The component storybook is an extremely useful tool to add in the development and visual validation of components. It allows you to develop components independently from the screens/containers in which they will be used. This, in turn, speeds up component development time and results in more robust components because they can be developed without making assumptions about the context in which they will be used.
- In terminal, go to ./packages/common
- Execute
yarn storybook
The storybook should launch in a new browser window (e.g. http://localhost:60771/) with all of your existing stories listed. Click on a story and play! Couldn't get much easier than that!
A given component's stories should now be held in a .stories.tsx file in the same folder as the component to which it applies. See base-text.stories.tsx and primary-button.stories.tsx for examples.
With the old storybook, a separate package was needed (at least how we used it) for the storybook web application and the code for all of the component stories was held in .stories.tsx files in that separate package. Further, the storybook application was not built as part of the PR process so it was frequently broken by component changes that were not also accounted for in the component story code. These breakages were only discovered after-the-fact by a developer wanting to update stories for new components and/or component changes.
Also, since the story code was separate from the components themselves, even if the application was not broken, new component functionality would almost invariably not have corresponding story updates, making the existing stories incomplete and less useful over time.
Lots more details can be found at
These are the steps used to initially set up storybook in this environment. This is just for reference in case it needs to repeated somewhere else.
From /packages/common...
npx sb init --type react (answer "Y" to prompt for eslint plugin)
yarn add @storybook/addon-react-native-web @storybook/addon-a11y --dev
Edit .eslintrc.json:
"extends": [
/*existing extensions*/
Edit .storybook/main.js:
module.exports = {
addons: [
/*existing addons,*/