NephroDoctor is an expert system written in Prolog for the diagnosis of kidney disease. The project was developed during the course of Artificial Intelligence followed at the University of Bari - Department of Computer Science, LACAM laboratory
- Forward chaining reasoning
- History and questions management
- Backtrack and facts revocation
- Management of uncertainty through the CF approach proposed for the first time in the MyCIN expert system
- Explanation and translation form of the technical glossary
NephroDoctor requires SWI-Prolog to run. I suggest to execute it on Ubuntu You can install it following this steps from Linux/Ubuntu terminal
% sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
% sudo apt-add-repository ppa:swi-prolog/stable
% sudo apt-get update
% sudo apt-get install swi-prolog
You can run NephroDoctor following this steps
Double click on '' file
Press "ctrl"-"c" combination. This will open swi-prolog command line
Type consult('')
Type run and press enter: now the inference engine starts and you can use the expert system
- Nicola Dileo
- Tommaso Viterbo
The program is for educational purposes only. Its use can not and must not replace the accurate diagnosis performed by a specialist doctor. The diagnoses produced by the system should not be understood as indicators of a person's state of health.