Formula 1 app that allows the user to order tickets for grand prix and view F1 related statistics. Created for the Web Technology project for Semester 3.
The F1 api documentation can be found here
The api doesn't contain a lot of qualifying information so there are instances where the information on a drivers profile are incorrect.
The World Tour element fetches a list of countries and its data to draw them, but the names of the countries in the api are not the same in the data of the countries so some might be missing in the tour.
The api does not contain the colors of the drivers so I used a random color generator to differentiate the drivers in the yearly charts. This color generator can be found here
Clone the project in the project folder
git clone
Open MariaDB console(sudo mysql -u root -p) and create database
create database f1app;
Exit the console and in the project directory create .env file
cp .env.example .env
Edit the .env file and adjust these variables
Run composer install (if composer install throws errors first run composer update, then composer install)
composer install
Generate application key
php artisan key:gen
Run database migrations
php artisan migrate
Run database seeder
php artisan db:seed --class=TicketTypeSeeder
Link the application storage
php artisan storage:link
Change file permissions
sudo chown -R user:www-data storage
sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage
All images were either found here or drawn by myself