Laravel backend for my F1 Stories app.
This version is running online, this is the endpoint. This is using an AWS S3 Bucket to store the images that users can upload.
- The multilingual route is /races
- You can query English(default), Dutch and French
- Example: /stories?lang=en or nl or fr
- Copy the .env.example file, name it .env and fill in the necessary fields for the database
- Run artisan migrate and then artisan db:seed to create the necessary tables for the api.
NOTE: all endpoints with POST, PUT and DELETE require a JWT token in the Authorization header of the request, this token is given when registering as a user, and updated when logging in as a user
- POST /users/register
- POST /users/login
=> body required for these:
"username":"your username",
"password":"your password"
GET /stories
GET /stories/{storyid}/comments
GET /users/{uid}
GET /races
GET /users/{uid}/likes
=> get endpoints for basic information the app needs -
POST /stories
Body =>
"title":"a title",
"content":"your story",
"image1": file,
"image2": file,
"image3": file
In the app the body is a form data object so the files can be sent to the api, these 3 "images" are optional.
- PUT /stories/{storyid}
Body =>
"content":"your updated post"
DELETE /stories/{storyid}
POST /stories/{storyid}/comments
Body => -
PUT /comments/{commentid}
Body =>
"content":"your comment"
DEL /comments/{commentid}
POST /stories/{storyid}/interact
Body =>
"interact":0 or 1
like or un-like a post
- POST /users/{uid}/race
Body =>
"race":"Bahrain GP"
accepted race values are the titles of races found in the /races endpoint