NodeJS backend for my F1 Stories app.
This version is not running online, but the Laravel version is.
This is the endpoint
- The linter used is ESLinter
- The templating engine used is PUG, the races are shown with PUG on the /races link.
- The tests are implemented using Mocha and Chai, to run the tests:
- Enter your database credentials in the .env file, the fields required are inside .env.example
- Run the api using node ./app.js
- In another terminal window, run npm test in the root directory
- Copy the .env.example file and call it .env, fill in the required data to connect to a mysql database locally.
- Create the necessary tables and fill the necessary data using npm run db-up
- Run the app with npm start (or node ./app.js)
NOTE: all endpoints with POST, PUT and DELETE require a JWT token in the Authorization header of the request, this token is given when registering as a user, and updated when logging in as a user
- POST /users/register
- POST /users/login
=> body required for these:
"username":"your username",
"password":"your password"
GET /stories
GET /stories/{storyid}/comments
GET /users/{uid}
GET /races
GET /users/{uid}/likes
=> get endpoints for basic information the app needs -
POST /stories
Body =>
"title":"a title",
"content":"your story",
"image1": file,
"image2": file,
"image3": file
In the app the body is a form data object so the files can be sent to the api, these 3 "images" are optional.
- PUT /stories/{storyid}
Body =>
"content":"your updated post"
DELETE /stories/{storyid}
POST /stories/{storyid}/comments
Body => -
PUT /comments/{commentid}
Body =>
"content":"your comment"
DEL /comments/{commentid}
POST /stories/{storyid}/interact
Body =>
"interact":0 or 1
like or un-like a post
- POST /users/{uid}/race
Body =>
"race":"Bahrain GP"
accepted race values are the titles of races found in the /races endpoint