Twitter bot that shows trends insights about popular tweets
You can find bot at this page:
Bot posts info of the most popular tweets about the most popular trend. Posted tweets have this format:
#DummyHashtag #TrendInsight
Tweet: trucated tweet's text
Author: Dummy
Likes: 2513
Original tweet: tweet's link
Created at: 28 May 22 21:05 UTC
- models: models that bot used
- config: services configurations (bot,gomail,parameter_store,twitter client)
- Go
- Gomail
- Go-twitter
- OAuth1
- Twitter API documentation
- AWS Lambda
- AWS System Manager Parameter Store
- AWS Event Bridge
In order to run bot, you need to set these configurations:
"api_key": "api key for twitter bot",
"api_key_secret": "api secret key for twitter bot"",
"bearer_token": "brearer token generated from twitter",
"access_token":"access token for twitter bot",
"access_token_secret":"secret access token for twitter bot"
"trend_insight_post_day_interval": 1, #interval that bot used to post tweets
"need_most_popular_tweet_lang": true, #if bot search for most popular tweet based on language
"most_popular_tweet_lang": "it" #language used if need_most_popular_tweet_lang is true
"sender": "dummyEmail", # email that send errors reports
"sender_pwd": "pwd", # email's password
"recipiens": ["dummyEmail"] # recipiens that will receive errors reports
For most_popular_tweet_lang
Bot is a Lambda function that is invoked by a crono scheduler in Event Bridge service. In order to run lambda must have access to System Manager service, in order to pull twitter client, gomail client and bot configurations from Parameter Store.
New lambda source code will be deployed by a push on the main branch from a GitHub Action (if code pass all tests!).
GitHub Action required: