The Heterogenous Graph-processing Benchmark framework provides a toolset that eases loading, generating, and manipulating large-scale graphs in order to benchmark heterogeneous systems.
- Written in
- Benchmark kernels written in
- Accelerator-ready graph data structures (
) - Pluggable memory manager (pinned memory by default, out-of-core memory supported)
- Read/write common file formats (METIS, Matrix Market Exchange, compressed (un)directed adjacency lists)
- Large-scale synthetic graph generators (such as Erdos-Renyi, Barabasi, or Kronecker)
- Partitioning interface (block-based or edge-cut)
- Visualization tools for benchmark results and graph structure
Examine vertex degree.
Usage: graphdeg [OPTION...] [input_filename] [output_filename]
-D, --disk[=directory] Specify directory to store intermediates in
temporary files to reduce memory load. Working dir
by default.
-h, --histogram[=bool] Output vertex count per degree rather than degree
count per vertex (histogram).
-i, --input=filename Input filename.
-I, -f, --input_format=string, --format=string
Force reader to assume this graph format (e.g.
-m, --method=['in','out','both']
Degree counting method.
-o, --output=filename Output filename.
-s, --summary[=bool] Print summary.
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version
Generate a graph using one of the following generators: 'random', 'grg_random', 'barabasi', 'forest_fire', 'powerlaw', 'kronecker', 'regular', 'lattice', 'star', 'tree'.
Usage: graphgen [OPTION...] numvertices [output_filename]
-a, --algo=alg Generation algorithm.
-D, --disk[=directory] Specify directory to store intermediates in
temporary files to reduce memory load. Working dir
by default.
-e, --nedge=num Number of edges.
-m, --medge=num Number of edges modifier (multiplied by number of
-o, --output=filename Output filename.
-O, -f, --output_format=string, --format=string
Force writer to assume this graph format (e.g.
-r, --random=int Random seed.
-v, --nvert=num Number of vertices.
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version
Generate graph heat map.
Usage: graphheat [OPTION...] [input_filename] [output_filename]
-b, --bins=integer Number of row/col bins.
-D, --disk[=directory] Specify directory to store intermediates in
temporary files to reduce memory load. Working dir
by default.
-i, --input=filename Input filename.
-I, -f, --input_format=string, --format=string
Force reader to assume this graph format (e.g.
-o, --output=filename Output filename.
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version
Distributes input graph over several partitions.
Usage: graphpart [OPTION...] num_parts output_filename [input_filename]
-c, --no_crossgraph Output graph containing the crossing edges between
-D, --disk[=directory] Specify directory to store intermediates in
temporary files to reduce memory load. Working dir
by default.
-f, --format=string Force reader/writer to use this format (e.g.
-i, --input=filename Input filename.
-I, --input_format=string Force reader to assume this graph format (e.g.
-m, --method=['block','random','file']
Graph partitioning strategy. Blocks by default.
-n, --no_merge Do not merge crossing edges with the same
-o, --output=filename Output filename base. Is appended suffix depending
on result file.
-O, --output_format=string Force write to use this graph format (e.g.
-p, --input_parts=filename File which indicates partition per vector. Implies
-r, --random=int Random seed.
-s, --no_subgraph Output graph files containing partition
-x, --no_index Output index file containing partition and index
for each vertex.
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version
Sanitizes graph structure and converts between graph formats.
Usage: graphsan [OPTION...] [input_filename] [output_filename]
-a, --align=int Align the number of edges for every vertex to a
multipe of this number.
-c, --connected Remove unconnected vertices.
-d, --to_directed For every edge (x:y), also add (y:x) to the graph.
-D, --disk[=directory] Specify file template (ending with `XXXXXX`) to
store intermediates in temporary files to reduce
memory load. Working dir by default.
-f, --format=string Force reader/writer to use this format (e.g.
-i, --input=filename Input filename.
-I, --input_format=string Force reader to assume this graph format (e.g.
-l, --noloops Remove self loops.
-m, --dimacs Set settings according to the DIMACS specification
(produces valid input for e.g. Metis, Chaco,
-o, --output=filename Output filename.
-O, --output_format=string Force write to use this graph format (e.g.
-q, --unique Remove duplicate edges.
-s, --sort Sort vertices by out-degree.
-t, --transpose Reverse the direction of all edges.
-u, --to_undirected Only keep edges (x:y) where (x <= y).
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version