UPDATE: FileWave got their knickers in a bunch and told me to remove the image from docker hub. So fork off this repo, Change the Dockerfile as you see fit and roll your own image
This Docker image runs a FileWave Server
Several options are customizable using environment variables.
: If the FileWave provided backup script should run daily. Defaults to0
Default exposed ports are: 20005
, 20006
, 20015
, 20016
, 20017
, 20030
, 20443
, 20445
, 20446
$ docker pull nielshojen/filewaveserver
$ docker run -d --restart always --name=filewaveserver \
--restart="always" \
-p 20005:20005 \
-p 20006:20006 \
-p 20015:20015 \
-p 20016:20016 \
-p 20017:20017 \
-p 20030:20030 \
-p 20443:20443 \
-p 20445:20445 \
-p 20446:20446 \
The server data lives in /fwxserver, config file lives in /usr/local/etc, different important files live in /usr/local/filewave and backup lives in /backup (if enabled) so mounting those to directories/files on the host would be a good idea and requires extra lines:
$ docker pull nielshojen/filewaveserver
$ docker run -d --restart always --name=filewaveserver \
--restart="always" \
-p 20005:20005 \
-p 20006:20006 \
-p 20015:20015 \
-p 20016:20016 \
-p 20017:20017 \
-p 20030:20030 \
-p 20443:20443 \
-p 20445:20445 \
-p 20446:20446 \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/data:/usr/local/filewave/fwxserver \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/config/fwxserver.conf:/usr/local/etc/fwxserver.conf \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/config/apache/conf:/usr/local/filewave/apache/conf \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/config/apache/passwd:/usr/local/filewave/apache/passwd \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/config/certs:/usr/local/filewave/certs \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/ipa:/usr/local/filewave/ipa \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/media:/usr/local/filewave/media \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/backup:/backup \
You can use the version tag to run a specific version of the server if needed, which you probably should do anyway (eg. 13.3.1):
$ docker pull nielshojen/filewaveserver:13.3.1
$ docker run -d --restart always --name=filewaveserver \
--restart="always" \
-p 20005:20005 \
-p 20006:20006 \
-p 20015:20015 \
-p 20016:20016 \
-p 20017:20017 \
-p 20030:20030 \
-p 20443:20443 \
-p 20445:20445 \
-p 20446:20446 \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/data:/usr/local/filewave/fwxserver \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/config/fwxserver.conf:/usr/local/etc/fwxserver.conf \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/config/apache/conf:/usr/local/filewave/apache/conf \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/config/apache/passwd:/usr/local/filewave/apache/passwd \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/config/certs:/usr/local/filewave/certs \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/ipa:/usr/local/filewave/ipa \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/media:/usr/local/filewave/media \
-v /local/host/folder/filewaveserver/backup:/backup \