RGB IMAGE | Depth Map wit Person Objects |
At first, download OpenVINO pretained models from GoogleDrive and OpenVINO Model Zoo. Then putting them under folder "models".
The depth output in the app is inverted and provided up to unknown scale and shift, i.e. only inversely relative depth is available.
In each frame, existing a linear equation like "P = D * scale + shift" to project the values of depth maps "D" to the inverse physical absolute measurements "P" according to putting a known scale ruler in the view.
|__ openvino_pretrained_person_depth
|__ img
|__ models
|__ midasnet
|__ person-detection-retail-0013
|__ main.py
|__ Readme.md
|__ install_requirements.bat
Build docker image with docker build -t openvino_depth:latest .
in project root directory.
Run below command to start app
docker run --isolation=process --device="class/{interface class GUID of camera}" openvino_depth:latest
Dockerfile for OpenVINO on Windows Container https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/_docs_install_guides_installing_openvino_docker_windows.html
Run a Windows Container with a Device https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/windowscontainers/deploy-containers/hardware-devices-in-containers
Depth Model - MiDaS https://github.com/intel-isl/MiDaS