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Roman Kuzmin edited this page Aug 20, 2022 · 2 revisions

You may convert your psake scripts to Invoke-Build scripts somewhat automatically by the script Convert-psake.ps1. The scripts is not included to the packages. Get it from the repository or download by this PowerShell command:

# download Convert-psake.ps1 to the current location
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile Convert-psake.ps1

Having downloaded the script, run it on your my.psake.ps1 in order to convert to

# convert my.psake.ps1 to
Convert-psake.ps1 my.psake.ps1 | Set-Content

Mind the convention, Invoke-Build scripts are named like *.build.ps1.

For simple scripts, the conversion might be complete. Open the result .build.ps1 file in a text editor. Review and modify the TODO sections as described. Happy building!

See also Comparison with psake for more details about the differences.