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DEV Internal Functions

Roman Kuzmin edited this page Jun 16, 2017 · 30 revisions

*SL sets the current location

function *SL($P=$BuildRoot)
$P - new location, literal path

It sets the current location to specified literal path.

This command is frequently called with the omitted argument in order to set the location to the build root. This is done before running user code and resolving user input paths.

*Path converts a path to full

function *Path($P)
$P - full or relative path

It converts the specified path to full depending on the current PowerShell location. Without arguments it gets the current location.

*Die throws a terminating error

function *Die($M, $C=0)
$M - error message, [object] converted to [string] as "$M"
$C - error category, [object] converted to [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]
    The following categories are used:
        0  NotSpecified
        5  InvalidArgument
        6  InvalidData
        7  InvalidOperation
        8  InvalidResult
        13 ObjectNotFound

(1) *Die is used in the engine code which is called from user code. Unlike throw, it throws an error which points to the caller. And it sets the specified error category.

(2) It looks like throw includes the message in CategoryInfo and FullyQualifiedErrorId. In category CategoryInfo it may be truncated. In v5 this may be done with ellipses in the middle (why?). This is relatively fine for short one-liner messages. Still, why repeat the message almost 3 times? But long and especially multi-line messages result in ugly formatting, especially when truncated.

So, *Die is useful not just in public functions called by user code (1). Use it in order to make errors neat (2), e.g. errors created by *Error or with *At.

NB: Do not use *Die in the main try-block, use just throw (or Write-Error perhaps?). It does not trigger the main catch, see PowerShellTraps/ThrowTerminatingError. Note, it is fine to use *Die in advanced functions called from the main try-block, e.g. #67.

NB: #67 *Check and *Amend use *Die in order to produce cleaner errors.

NB: Functions with *Die must be advanced. But *Die itself must be simple.

*Run runs a command with some extras

function *Run($_)
$_ - command to run
$args - remaining arguments are command arguments

It invokes commands with the current location set to the build root. Commands are normally some user code called on various build events. If $_ is null or $WhatIf the command is ignored.

The parameter $_ is the only extra variable exposed to user code. As documented, we do not hide $_.

*At gets invocation info position message

function *At($I)
$I - anything with the property InvocationInfo

For an object with the property InvocationInfo (a task or an error record), the function returns its amended position message like

At <file>:<line> char <char>
+ ...

Why Trim()

In PS v2 InvocationInfo.PositionMessage has the unwanted leading \n and the line separator \n instead of \r\n. This is fixed in v3. But for v2 we keep Trim() in order to remove the leading \n.

*Error makes error text

function *Error($M, $I)
$M - error message
$I - anything with the property InvocationInfo

It joins an error message and its invocation info position message.

Why here-string

To avoid using x-plat dependent line separator.

*Check checks jobs for missing references and cycles

function *Check([Parameter()]$J, $T, $P=@())
$J - jobs to check
$T - parent task, omitted for root jobs
$P - parent tasks for cycle checks, omitted for root jobs


for each string job $_
    try to find the task by name $_
    if it is missing
        *Die "Missing task", mind messages depending on $T
    if parent array contains the task
        *Die "Cyclic reference"
    call *Check with the task jobs, the task, parents with this task added

NB: It is advanced for *Die.

*AddError adds an error to the result

function *AddError($T)
$T - failed task
$_ - current error in the parent catch block

It adds the current error $_ info to Result.Errors.

Error processing

What can be done for each error:

  • ADD: call *AddError
  • STORE: write it to the task object
  • PRINT: print information to output
  • THROW: re-throw to the parent catch

Errors are processed in several catch blocks

    function *Task {

        try { -If block }
        catch {
            ### if-catch
            ### STORE and THROW to main-catch or ref-catch

        try {
            for each job {
                if (job is reference) {
                    try { *Task job }
                    catch {
                        ### ref-catch
                        ### if unsafe THROW to task-catch
                        ### else ADD and PRINT, continue

            if (STORED) {
                ### failed and stored internally, ADD and PRINT
        catch {
            ### task-catch
            ### STORE, PRINT location, THROW to main-catch or ref-catch

    catch {
        ### main-catch
        ### ADD, STORE, PRINT or THROW out

*My tells if the current error is internal

function *My
$_ - error in the parent scope

It returns true if the current error $_ is thrown by the engine itself and false if the error is external, i.e. thrown by user code.

When called from *Task:

- True: log an error message with no source, inner source is useless
- False: log a message and the useful external source

When called from the main catch block:

- True: throw a new error, source will point to the caller
- False: re-throw preserving the external source

*Job gets jobs data

function *Job($J)
$J - job object

It validates a job object from -Jobs, -After, -Before and returns the resolved job (task reference or action script) and the optional job data.

Simple jobs are returned as they are.

Jobs with data are created by New-BuildJob (job) and represented by a hashtable where the only key is the job and the value is job data.

The command throws "Invalid job" if $J is invalid. Valid jobs:

  • [string] - task reference
  • [scriptblock] - action
  • [hashtable] with a single item

*Unsafe tells if a task is unsafe

function *Unsafe($N, $J, $X)
$N - task name
$J - jobs to be checked
$X - optional exclude list

It checks references $J to the task $N and returns:

- 1: an unsafe reference is found (build should stop)
- nothing: all references are safe (build may continue)

The first time it is called with all initial tasks $BuildTask as $J:

    if (*Unsafe ${*j} $BuildTask) {throw}

The code is probably not optimal for builds with failing tasks. But it is compact and this is better for scenarios without failures.

    # check each job/reference recursively
    foreach($_ in $J) {
        if (<not safe call is found>) {
            return 1

    # <not safe call is found>
    ($t = ${*}.All[$_]) -and $t.If -and $(if ($_ -eq $N) {$X -notcontains $_} else {*Unsafe $N $t.Jobs $t.Safe})

    # get the task object $t by its name $_; if the job $_ is a script block, it gets null, skip further checks
    ($t = ${*}.All[$_]) ...

    # check the condition of task $t; if it is false, skip further checks, this task is not going to be invoked
    ... -and $t.If

    # If the reference $_ is the bad task $N then check if it is not in the safe list $X (it should fail, return 1).
    # Else it is another task and its trees to investigate, so call *Unsafe again with this task jobs and safe list.
    ... -and $(if ($_ -eq $N) {$X -notcontains $_} else {*Unsafe $N $t.Jobs $t.Safe})

*Amend amends task jobs on preprocessing

function *Amend([Parameter()]$X, $J, $B)
$X - an extra task to be added to tasks specified by $J
$J - $X.Before or $X.After tasks
$B - case: 1: Before, 0: After

It is called on preprocessing for tasks with parameters Before and After.

NB: It is advanced for *Die.

*Save saves the persistent build checkpoint

function *Save

It exports persistent build data to the checkpoint file.

*Help gets task help object

filter *Help($H)
$_ - input task object
$H - cache used by *Synopsis, a caller just passes @{}

For an input task it gets a task help object with the properties Name, Jobs, and Synopsis. It is called in the special case:

Invoke-Build ?


$r = 1 | Select-Object Name, Jobs, Synopsis

Because in PS v2.0 New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{...} results in unwanted order: Name, Synopsis, Jobs.

Jobs is an array, not text (v2.9.7)

  • Pros
    • With many jobs the column Synopsis is not dropped (try "?" with Tests/.build.ps1).
    • Jobs are easier to process or show differently by external tools.
  • Cons
    • Only a few jobs are shown by default ($FormatEnumerationLimit = 4). On the other hand, with many jobs text would be truncated as well.

*IO processes task inputs and outputs

function *IO

It evaluates inputs and outputs of the current incremental and partial incremental task and returns a reason to skip, if all is up-to-date.

It is always called from *Task, so that it does not have any parameters, it just uses $Task, the parent variable of the current task.

The function returns an array of two values:

- `[0]`: result code: `2`: output is up-to-date; `$null`: output is out-of-date
- `[1]`: information message

In the out-of-date case, the function stores processed input and outputs as $Task.Inputs and $Task.Outputs. They are used in *Task later.

Plot, mind *SL before *Path and calling user code:

${*i} = $Task.Inputs ~ invoke if a scriptblock. NB for PS v2 use @(& ..)
*SL and collect ${*p} = full input paths and ${*i} = input converted to FileInfo
if nothing then return (2, 'Skipping empty input.')

NB: *p is array, *i is array or not

if ($Task.Partial) {
    *SL is not needed, it is done above and no user code is invoked after
    ${*o} = $Task.Outputs either invoked (with *SL after this) or cast to array
    if *o and *p counts are different -> 'Different input and output'
    No user code after this, we can use simple variables.
else {
    *SL is not needed, it is done above and no user code is invoked after
    invoke output (if a scriptblock), set it back to $Task.Outputs, *SL
    set $Task.Inputs to *p (full input paths)

NB: Replaced Get-Item -LiteralPath .. -Force -ErrorAction Stop with [System.IO.FileInfo](*Path ..). The old does not work in paths with [ ].

NB: At some point replaced Test-Path -LiteralPath with *Path as well due to paths with [ ]. Later on replaced with times compared with 1601-01-01, see below.

NB: checks for Exists #69

At some point redundant checks for `Exists` on output files were removed.
It is documented that time of a missing file is 1601-01-01.
v3.3.9 restores checks because Mono is different.

*Task processes a task

function *Task
$args[0] - task name
$args[1] - parent task path or null for a root task

This function is the engine's heart, it invokes tasks.

A task name may come as an IB parameter, its capitalization may differ from the original in a script. Thus, use it once to get the task object, then use the task name from the object.

Obtain the task object by name from the build list. Do not check for null, it should exist. Create this task path from the parent path, it is for the log.

If the task is done then log and return. Before 2.14.4 we used to check for errors before this and print a different message. It's unlikely very useful.

Evaluate If. If it is false then return. If it fails then catch and store the error, then re-throw.

Process task jobs in a try block.

CASE: Job is a task reference

Call the dependent task. If OK go to the next job.

Catch: Call *Unsafe. If true then re-throw. Else log the error with source info and go to the next job.

CASE: Job is a script block

Input of incremental tasks can be empty, so check for null. Use case: a task works for some files but it is possible that they do not exist.

# *i[0] is a flag which tells how to deal with *IO
${private:*i} = , [int]($null -ne $Task.Inputs)

    # initial values:
    0: not incremental task
    1: incremental, *IO was not called, call it and print the result info *i[1]

    # new values after called *IO
    2: incremental, *IO was called, skip incremental job
    $null: incremental, *IO was called, do incremental job

Why $Task is constant

*Task creates the variable $Task. It is exposed for events and actions, it is used by *Task itself and other engine functions. Events are dot-sourced in *Task, so that $Task is in the same scope. Thus, user code may change $Task and break normal processing. That is why $Task is made constant.