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VSCode Tips

Roman Kuzmin edited this page Nov 15, 2017 · 5 revisions

VSCode with the PowerShell extension and Invoke-Build play very well together, especially since the integrated PowerShell console (terminal) was introduced. Here are some tips on how to integrate and use the tools.

The terminal is opened with the current location set to the workspace directory. And the default build script ( is normally there. As a result, you do not have to specify the script path on typing build commands.

Consider using the alias ib for Invoke-Build in order to reduce typing even more. Namely, in your Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1 set

Set-Alias ib Invoke-Build

To get the path of Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1, type $profile in the terminal.

Thus, normally only ib is typed and the task names. Note that task names may be completed by Tab in the terminal. See Argument Completers.

In order to get information about the available tasks, type

ib ?

If you want to invoke the current build task being composed in the editor use the helper script Invoke-TaskFromVSCode.ps1. The current task is where the caret is (or the default if the caret is before all tasks). See Invoke Task from VSCode.

In the build script editor, when the caret is at task use Shift+F12 in order to show the task list, i.e. references to task in the code. Navigate through tasks by clicks in the list.

Debugging and troubleshooting of build scripts seems to be very easy, even with occasional hiccups (development of VSCode and the PowerShell extension is in progress). See Debugging Tips.

When the build completes with errors, use the printed task or error information in the terminal in order to jump to the point of problems in the editor. Namely, point the mouse to a printed file path and Ctrl+Click in order to follow the link.

You can invoke Invoke-Build in the current session as many times as you need. Invoke-Build does not change anything in the session itself. When a build finishes all used data and functions are gone. Keep in mind though that invoked build scripts may change the session.

Finally, it is possible to bind your build script tasks to generated VSCode tasks. See Generate VSCode Tasks. But it looks like this feature is not so useful and flexible as running build commands in the integrated console.