Build an application that can be run as a container on the cloud for creating/updating/deleting a student
The functionality of the application is:
- Allow user to add, update, delete a student
- Each student should have:
- Student Name
- Student ID Number
- Student Email
- Student Phone Number
- Persist all student details in the database
Build an application that can be run as a container on the cloud for creating/updating/deleting a library book.
The functionality of the application is:
- Allow user to add, update, delete a book
- Each book should have:
- Book Title
- Book Author
- Book Description
- Book Code
- Persist all subjects in the database
Build an application that can be run as a container on the cloud for lending/updating/deleting book for each student
The functionality of the application is:
- There should be 2 pages/screens/views – Student Page and Book Page
- On the Student Page:
- The user should be able to select a student from a list of students (From Problem Statement 1)
- Then let them select, update, delete the book(s)(From Problem Statement 2) for that student
- On the Books Page:
- The user should be able to select a book from list of books(From Problem Statement 2)
- Then let them select, update, delete the student that have chosen the book
- Persist all details in the database