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Simulation framework for testing LD score regression

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ldscsim is a module written with Hail to simulate phenotypes. It is designed to test LD score regression, but is extensible to general use.


Model descriptions

Phenotype model

yi = ∑j Xijβj + εi

  • yi : Phenotype of individual i
  • Xij : Genotype of individual i at SNP j
  • βj : Effect size of SNP j
  • εi : Environmental noise for individual i

The phenotype of each individual is calculating the dot product of that individual's genotypes with the SNP effects and then adding random environmental noise.

Note: Genotypes as described above are normalized such that genotypes at a given SNP have mean=0, var=1.

Relevant functions:

  • simulate_phenotypes()
  • calculate_phenotypes()

Models for SNP effects

Infinitesimal Model

β ~ N(0, h2/M)

  • h2 : SNP-based heritability of phenotype
  • M : Number of SNPs in simulation

All SNP effects are drawn from a normal distribution with mean=0, variance= h2/M, where h2 is the desired heritability of the simulated trait and M is the number of SNPs in the genotype matrix given by the user.

Relevant functions:

  • make_betas()
  • multitrait_inf()

Spike and Slab

β = N(0, h2/(πM)), w/ probability π
β = 0, otherwise

  • h2 : SNP-based heritability of phenotype
  • M : Number of SNPs in simulation
  • π : Probability of a SNP being causal

SNPs are assigned to be causal with probability π. If a SNP is causal, its effect size is drawn from the normal distribution with mean=0 and variance=h2/(πM). If a SNP is not causal it has an effect size of 0.

Relevant functions:

  • make_betas()
  • multitrait_ss()

Annotation-Informed Betas

βj = N(0, ajh2/(∑jaj))
aj = ∑C τC aCj

  • h2 : SNP-based heritability of phenotype
  • aj : Annotation for SNP j summed across categories
  • τC : Per-SNP heritability for annotation category C
  • ajC : Annotation for SNP j in category C

The effect for SNP j are drawn from a normal distribution with mean=0, variance=a[j]·h2/(Var(a)), where a[j] is the relative heritability contributed by SNP j and a is a vector of the relative heritability contributed by each SNP. a[j] is calculated by taking the linear combination across all annotation categories for SNP j, scaling each annotation by coefficient τC1/2, where τC is the per-SNP heritability for annotation category C.

Relevant functions:

  • make_betas()
  • multitrait_inf()
  • agg_fields()
  • get_coef_dict()

Model for Population Stratification

yi = ∑j Xijβj + ϵi + si
si = ∑k σksik

  • yi : Phenotype of individual i
  • Xij : Genotype of individual i at SNP j
  • βj : Effect size of SNP j
  • ϵi : Environmental noise for individual i
  • si : Population stratification term for individual i
  • σk : Square root of variance contributed by covariate k
  • sik : Covariate k for individual i

After calculating the matrix product of genotypes and SNP effects, it is possible to add population stratification. Population stratification is a term added to the phenotype, which is the linear combination of covariates scaled by coefficients provided by the user.

Relevant functions:

  • calculate_phenotypes()
  • agg_fields()
  • get_coef_dict()

Models for Correlated Traits

Multi-Trait Infinitesimal Model

Β = (β1,...,βk)T
Β ~ Nk(0, Ω)

  • βk : SNP effect sizes for trait k
  • k : Number of correlated traits
  • Ω : Variance-covarance matrix, k x k

SNP effects are drawn from a multivariate normal distribution with mean=0 and variance-covariance matrix defined by heritability and genetic correlation values. If the specified heritability and genetic correlation values result in a covariance matrix that is not positive semi-definite the framework will adjust the genetic correlation values to make the covariance matrix positive semi-definite.

Relevant functions:

  • make_betas()
  • multitrait_inf()
  • get_cov_matrix()
  • _nearpsd()

Two-Trait Spike and Slab

jA0, βjB0) ~ N(0, ΩSS)
ΩSS = [[1/(pTT+pTF), rg/pTT],
            [rg/pTT, 1/(pTT+pFT)]]
βjA = βjA0 and βjB = βjB0, w/ probability pTT
βjA = βjA0 and βjB = 0, w/ probability pTF
βjA = 0 and βjB = βjB0, w/ probability pFT

  • βjA0 : Initial effect size of SNP j for trait A
  • βjB0 : Initial effect size of SNP j for trait B
  • ΩSS : Spike & slab variance-covariance matrix
  • pTT : Probability of a SNP being causal for both traits
  • pTF : Probability of a SNP being causal for trait A but not trait B
  • pFT : Probability of a SNP being causal for trait B but not trait A
  • rg : Genetic correlation between traits A and B
  • βjA : Final effect size of SNP j for trait A
  • βjB : Final effect size of SNP j for trait B

SNP effects are drawn from bivariate normal distribution and then set to be causal or non-causal based on parameters defining probability of being causal.

Note: Correlated two-trait spike & slab model is from page 30 of the supplement of Turley et al. 2018

Relevant functions:

  • make_betas()
  • multitrait_ss()

Models for Ascertainment Bias

[see docstrings for more information]

Relevant functions:

  • binarize()
  • ascertainment_bias()


simulate_phenotypes() is the main method wrapping other methods in the package. However, all methods are self-contained and thus can be run independently.

Assume for the examples of the infinitesimal and spike & slab models that we have the following MatrixTable mt:

>>> mt.describe()
Global fields:
Column fields:
    's': str 
Row fields:
    'rsid': str 
Entry fields:
    'gt': int32 
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['rsid']
  • mt.s : Sample IDs
  • mt.rsid : SNP IDs
  • : Genotypes of individuals

Infinitesimal Model

Simulate a phenotype under the infinitesimal model

Simulation specifications:

  • Single trait
  • Infinitesimal model
  • Heritability = 0.1
>>> sim = simulate_phenotypes(mt=mt,,h2=0.1)
>>> sim.describe()
Global fields:
    'ldscsim': struct {
        h2: float64
Column fields:
    's': str
    'y_no_noise': float64
    'y': float64
Row fields:
    'rsid': str
    'beta': float64
Entry fields:
    'gt': int32
    'norm_gt': float64
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['rsid']
  • sim.beta are the SNP effects for the simulated trait and have the approximate distribution N(0,h2/M), where M is the number of SNPs.
  • sim.y_no_noise is equivalent to the dot product of the genotype matrix by the vector of SNP effects and is modeled to be distributed as N(0,h2).
  • sim.y is the phenotype after adding random environmental noise. Random environmental noise is scaled to be distributed as N(0,1-h2). The y_no_noise and the random environmental noise are independent, therefore their sum will have variance equal to the sum of their variances: h2 + (1-h2) = 1. Both phenotype and the random noise have mean equal to zero, therefore the mean of y is also 0. Thus, y is modeled to have distribution N(0,1), just like any real phenotype that has been standardized.
  • sim.norm_gt is the normalized genotype used to calculate the phenotype. Genotypes are normalized such that at a given SNP, the distribution of genotypes across individuals is approximately N(0,1).
  • sim.ldscsim.h2 is the h2 parameter passed to the simulation.

To check heritability of simulated trait:

>>> hl.eval(sim.ldscsim.h2) # the expected h2 passed as a parameter
>>> sim.aggregate_cols(hl.agg.stats(sim.y_no_noise)).stdev**2 # calculating observed h2

Simulate two phenotypes under the infinitesimal model

Simulation specifications:

  • Multi-trait
  • Infinitesimal model
  • Trait 1 heritability = 0.3
  • Trait 2 heritability = 0.4
  • Genetic correlation = 0.6
>>> sim = simulate_phenotypes(mt=mt,, h2=[0.3, 0.4], rg=0.6)
>>> sim.describe()
Global fields:
    'ldscsim': struct {
        h2: array<float64>, 
        rg: float64
Column fields:
    's': str
    'y_no_noise': array<float64>
    'y': array<float64>
Row fields:
    'rsid': str
    'beta': array<float64>
Entry fields:
    'gt': int32
    'norm_gt': float64
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['rsid']

Compared to the previous simulation, the main changes are that beta,y_no_noise, and y are all arrays because they hold values for multiple traits.

>>> sim.cols().show()
| s         | y_no_noise            | y                     |
| str       | array<float64>        | array<float64>        |
| "1002230" | [3.74e-02,9.02e-01]   | [1.99e+00,1.44e-01]   |
| "1006422" | [-1.52e+00,-1.07e+00] | [-1.06e+00,-9.58e-01] |
| "1011645" | [-4.12e-01,-7.80e-01] | [-2.21e-01,-2.42e-01] |
| "1014723" | [7.33e-01,6.17e-01]   | [1.53e+00,-7.43e-01]  |
| "1021993" | [2.58e-01,-2.40e-01]  | [-6.44e-02,5.31e-01]  |
| "1022263" | [7.90e-01,8.05e-01]   | [2.34e+00,3.04e-01]   |
| "1029991" | [8.99e-02,1.87e-01]   | [-7.68e-01,5.34e-01]  |
| "1034880" | [-8.72e-02,-1.08e-01] | [-5.53e-01,-1.39e+00] |
| "1040108" | [1.03e-02,-8.61e-01]  | [2.39e-01,-7.03e-01]  |
| "1046474" | [-3.16e-01,1.34e-01]  | [-1.54e+00,9.61e-01]  |

Each field of arrays is indexed by trait. For instance, mt.y_no_noise[0] is the y_no_noise field for the first trait and mt.y[0] is the y field corresponding to the first trait, and mt.y_no_noise[1] is the y_no_noise field for the second trait and mt.y[1] is the y field corresponding to the second trait. The same rule applied for mt.beta[0] and mt.beta[1].

To check the heritabilities and genetic correlations between traits:

>>> hl.eval(sim.ldscsim.h2) # the expected h2 values passed as parameters
[0.3, 0.4]
>>> [sim.aggregate_cols(hl.agg.stats(sim.y_no_noise[x])).stdev**2 for x in range(2)] # calculating observed h2
[0.30562739116200704, 0.43268586014716076]

Simulate three phenotypes under the infinitesimal model

Simulation specifications:

  • Multi-trait
  • Infinitesimal model
  • Trait 1 heritability = 0.1
  • Trait 2 heritability = 0.2
  • Trait 3 heritability = 0.7
  • Genetic correlation trait 1 & trait 2 = 0.8
  • Genetic correlation trait 1 & trait 3 = 0.5
  • Genetic correlation trait 2 & trait 3 = 0.4
>>> sim = simulate_phenotypes(mt=mt,, h2=[0.1, 0.2, 0.7], rg=[0.8, 0.5, 0.4])
>>> sim.describe()
Global fields:
    'ldscsim': struct {
        h2: array<float64>, 
        rg: array<float64>
Column fields:
    's': str
    'y_no_noise': array<float64>
    'y': array<float64>
Row fields:
    'rsid': str
    'beta': array<float64>
Entry fields:
    'gt': int32
    'norm_gt': float64
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['rsid']

This produces a similar MatrixTable to the previous simulation. However, all array fields have three elements rather than two.

>>> sim.cols().show()
| s         | y_no_noise                      | y                               |
| str       | array<float64>                  | array<float64>                  |
| "1002230" | [-3.47e-01,-4.53e-01,1.09e-01]  | [-1.50e+00,2.08e-01,7.32e-01]   |
| "1006422" | [-3.44e-01,-4.23e-01,3.10e-01]  | [-8.73e-01,7.69e-01,5.73e-01]   |
| "1011645" | [-2.09e-01,-4.78e-01,-5.55e-01] | [-6.01e-01,-5.94e-01,-6.69e-01] |
| "1014723" | [5.52e-01,1.72e-01,-3.88e-01]   | [1.44e+00,3.07e-01,-1.52e-01]   |
| "1021993" | [2.89e-02,-1.43e-01,-1.12e-01]  | [-4.30e-01,-1.93e+00,-6.49e-03] |
| "1022263" | [6.97e-03,2.57e-01,2.13e-01]    | [-1.25e+00,1.12e+00,1.99e-01]   |
| "1029991" | [-2.84e-01,-3.34e-01,5.57e-01]  | [6.09e-01,-1.91e+00,2.34e-01]   |
| "1034880" | [-1.87e-01,3.98e-02,-5.90e-01]  | [-1.28e+00,-2.08e+00,-3.99e-01] |
| "1040108" | [4.09e-01,3.11e-01,-5.32e-01]   | [1.70e+00,8.05e-01,-1.07e+00]   |
| "1046474" | [1.39e-01,-1.63e-01,2.44e-01]   | [1.26e-01,2.37e-01,1.22e-01]    |

Spike and Slab Model

Simulate a single spike and slab phenotype

Simulation specifications:

  • Single trait
  • Spike & slab
  • Heritability = 0.1
  • Probability of a SNP being causal (pi) = 0.01
>>> sim = simulate_phenotypes(mt=mt,, h2=0.1, pi=0.01)
>>> sim.describe()
Global fields:
    'ldscsim': struct {
        h2: float64, 
        pi: float64
Column fields:
    's': str
    'y_no_noise': float64
    'y': float64
Row fields:
    'rsid': str
    'beta': float64
Entry fields:
    'gt': int32
    'norm_gt': float64
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['rsid']

Simulate two correlated spike and slab phenotypes

Simulation specifications:

  • Two traits
  • Spike & slab
  • Trait 1 heritability = 0.8
  • Trait 2 heritability = 0.9
  • Genetic correlation = 0.5
  • Probability a SNP is causal for both traits = 0.3
  • Probability SNP is causal for trait 1 but not trait 2 = 0.1
  • Probability SNP is causal for trait 2 but not trait 1 = 0.2
>>> sim = simulate_phenotypes(mt=mt,, h2=[0.8, 0.9], pi=[0.3, 0.1, 0.2], rg =0.5)

Annotation-Informed Model

Assume for this example we begin with the original MatrixTable shown above but we add new fields that represent annotations:

>>> mt1 = mt.annotate_rows(a1 = hl.rand_bool(p=0.01), 
                          a2 = hl.rand_bool(p=0.05),
                          a3 = hl.rand_norm())
>>> mt1.describe()
Global fields:
Column fields:
    's': str
Row fields:
    'rsid': str
    'a1': bool
    'a2': bool
    'a3': float64
Entry fields:
    'gt': int32
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['rsid']
  • a1,a2,a3 : Annotations we want to use for an annotation-informed model

We can aggregate those annotations as a linear combination using default coefficients to scale each field before summing across fields.

>>> mt2 = agg_fields(tb=mt1, str_expr='a', axis='rows') # aggregate across row fields using default coefficients (all equal to 1)
Assuming coef = 1 for all annotations
Fields and associated coefficients used in annot aggregation: {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1}

We can also use a dictionary to specify coefficients to use for each row field when aggregating as a linear combination.

>>> coef_dict = {'a1':0.3, 'a2':0.1, 'a3':0.4} # coefficients to multiply each field by before summing
>>> mt2 = agg_fields(tb=mt1, coef_dict=coef_dict, axis='rows') # aggregate across row fields, specifying coefficients
Fields and associated coefficients used in annot aggregation: {'a1': 0.3, 'a2': 0.1, 'a3': 0.4}

In either case, the output MatrixTable will be:

>>> mt2.describe()
Global fields:
Column fields:
    's': str
Row fields:
    'rsid': str
    'a1': bool
    'a2': bool
    'a3': float64
    'agg_annot': float64
Entry fields:
    'gt': int32
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['rsid']

Note that when using agg_fields(), specifying str_expr but not coef_dict can unintentionally include fields in the aggregation with names that match str_expr. For instance, if we try using mt2 as our input MatrixTable:

>>> mt3 = agg_fields(tb=mt2, str_expr='a', axis='rows')
Assuming coef = 1 for all annotations
Fields and associated coefficients used in annot aggregation: {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1, 'agg_annot': 1}

Because our str_expr matches the field agg_annot it also includes it in the fields to be aggregated. To avoid this, either rename the desired target fields to have a more unique pattern to search for, or drop agg_annot.

See docstring of make_betas() for more information

Population Stratification

[In development]

  • mt.PC1,mt.PC2,mt.PC3 : Covariates we want to use for population stratification


Simulation framework for testing LD score regression







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