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Releases: nikhil-RGB/flutter_automata


23 Mar 02:06
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Updates/Additions since 1.0.0:

  • Added a new "Encryption Key" generation feature which uses the state of the board in a given generation to generate symmetric encryption
    keys. Access this experimental feature via the main menu.

  • These encryption keys are generated using the current state of the Cellular Automaton :

    • At the time of key generation, the current state/generation of the cellular automaton is converted into a binary string--> 1 for alive/0 for
    • This binary string is then divided into substrings of 12, and each substring is converted into it's decimal equivalent number.
    • These numbers are then each encoded into a character. A string of jargon characters is thus generated. This string is then split into two
      halves which are used to generate the secret key, and initialization vector.
    • Each of these two halves then undergo UTF-8 encoding and SHA-256 hashing.
    • The first 16 bytes of the two halves are then converted into the key and IV respectively.
  • The algorithm used to test the symmetric key so-generated is AES(Advanced Encryption Standard). I used the
    encrypter package for implementing the AES algorithm, since my purpose was only to showcase key
    , not re-implement any encryption algorithm itself.

Flutter Automata

20 Mar 10:10
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Flutter Automata


  • An app to view 2D cellular automatons of upto 70 * 70 (4900 cells).
  • First release, will be improved overtime.
  • Current automaton logic required heavy optimization, and I am working on this- I am unsure of whether the automation logic should be
    done on a seperate isolate or should be an asynchronous process- it is currently the latter.
  • The "Change color scheme feature" has not been implemented yet, future releases will add this.
  • Please keep in mind that grid above 50*50(2500 cells) gradually cause the app to have "janky performance".
    This will be fixed in the future.
  • Default rules are (2,5,3)[Lower bound, Upper Bound, Ressurection Bound]-->These can be changed via the menu.