To add individual crt/p12 files to keystore Just execute without any commands to get started. Script is interactive. Also the command line options can be used to run in non interactive mode.
python -h
usage: [-h] [-s SOURCE] [-d DEST]
[-o {update,delete,sep_cert_key_file_update}]
[--src_passwd SRC_PASSWD]
[--dest_passwd DEST_PASSWD] [-a ALIAS]
[--sep_cert_file SEP_CERT_FILE]
[--sep_key_file SEP_KEY_FILE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
The source .p12/.pem/.crt file which needs to be
updated/added. Please instead use --sep_cert_file and
--sep_key_file in case of sep_cert_key_file_update
-d DEST, --dest DEST The destination keystore path
-o {update,delete,sep_cert_key_file_update}, --operation {update,delete,sep_cert_key_file_update}
'delete' (to delete cert from keystore) 'update' (to
add / update the cert in keystore)
'sep_cert_key_file_update' (To add cert and key as
separate files)
--src_passwd SRC_PASSWD
password of the source p12 file to be updated
--dest_passwd DEST_PASSWD
password of the destination keystore to be udpated
-a ALIAS, --alias ALIAS
alias to be updated/deleted
--sep_cert_file SEP_CERT_FILE
Should be used with operation type
sep_cert_key_file_update to specify the cert file
--sep_key_file SEP_KEY_FILE
Should be used with operation type
sep_cert_key_file_update to specify the key file