- Run npm install and npm audit fix 0.5 uncomment lines 45-49 in truffle-config.js
- Run the command - ganache-cli - to initialise the local blockchain (ethereum). It listens on localhost:8545
- In another terminal tab, run the truffle compile and truffle migrate commands.
- Open MetaMask extension in Chrome/Firefox. Connect to localhost 8545 and enter password.
-- Create accounts
- From the ganache-cli tab, copy 1 private key. Open metamask, and click on the top right account thumbnail.
- Click the option to 'Import Account' and add your key. This is the seller account.
- After entering, the new imported account will be active. Connect this account to the localhost by clicking the 'Not Connected'. There, connect this to the localhost.
- Repeat steps 4-6 by taking another private key. This will be used for the bidder address. If you wish, create 2 bidders for better effect.
-- Running the application
- Run the application with node app.js command (in the src folder). Run as required, but remember to switch between MetaMask accounts whenever switching between accounts.