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This tool allows hosting progress tracking of several users. Every user can create projects and make these projects visible to a collection of users. Users can configure dashboards to view the progress of users on a list of selected projects.

The tool's only purpose is displaying and tracking the progress, there is no integration with common project management tools. The main reason for this tool is to show a pretty progress report.


The name londo hints at Londo Mollari, a character from the TV show Babylon 5. In a memorable, but very dark scene the character ecstatically states "Ah, progress!"


Front End

  • Install elm-create-app
  • Run elm-app start for development
  • View the pages using localhost:3000/#/<page>

Back End


  1. Create a database, a corresponding user, and connect the two:
    psql -U postgres
    psql>create database <londo>;
    psql>create user <londo> with encrypted password <password>;
    psql>grant all privileges on database <londo> to <londo>;
    When psql is running in Docker it may also be necessary to add
    psql>\c <londo>
    londo>grant all privileges on all tables in schema public to <londo>;
  2. The system scans for migrations in the folder conf/db/migrations/default and applies new ones. After a migration one should re-generate database related code: sbt slickCodegen generates the base queries, and types.
  3. The front end tools for the GraphQL interface are generated via npm run apiGen. Make sure that the back end server is running, so the current schema can be fetched.


  1. When running (locally) via Docker, make sure to
    1. Provide all necessary variables in a top-level file called deployment.env. The variables in question are specified in application.conf (back end), and in index.js (front end).
    2. Duplicate the database components from deployment.env to the top-level file db.env, see the note in db.env for more information.


A tool for detailing various views on progress (analysis only)







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