Demo might be available Here
This is a simple calendar app.
You can schedule something with a name, start date/time and end date/time.
It's not allowed to have an overlapping schedule, and it's not allowed to span over multiple days.
- Use of Kubernetes
- Use of CQRS
- Agenda Viewer service: 2 replica's
- Agenda Scheduler service: 2 replica's
- Front End to view calendar and make schedules (does not have to be pretty, just functional): 1 replica
- Some Unit tests (Check them out here)
This application requires you to have the following installed on your machine:
- Linux Shell
- Kubernetes CLI kubectl
- Kubernetes cluster, such as Minikube or Docker Desktop
- Helm Installing Helm
The first thing to do is to build the applications into Docker
docker build -f ./agenda-viewer/Calendar.AgendaViewer.WebApi/Dockerfile -t calendar/agenda-viewer:1.0.0 .
docker build -f ./agenda-scheduler/Calendar.AgendaScheduler.WebApi/Dockerfile -t calendar/agenda-scheduler:1.0.0 .
docker build -f ./front-end/Calendar.WebApp/Dockerfile -t calendar/front-end:1.0.0 .
The application utilizes Apache Kafka, Redis and MongoDB. The easiest way to setup those on your Kubernetes cluster is by using Helm package manager. To install Helm on your development machine follow this guide.
helm repo add bitnami
kubectl create namespace calendar
helm upgrade --install calendar-redis-release bitnami/redis --namespace=calendar
helm upgrade --install calendar-mongodb-release bitnami/mongodb --namespace=calendar
helm upgrade --install calendar-kafka-release bitnami/kafka --namespace=calendar
Based on configuration of Kafka, it might be required to manually create the topics:
kubectl exec -n=calendar --tty -i calendar-kafka-release-0 -- --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic scheduler_event_added --partitions 2 --create
kubectl exec -n=calendar --tty -i calendar-kafka-release-0 -- --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic scheduler_event_removed --partitions 2 --create
To verify the installation of Kafka and Redis run kubectl get service | grep -e kafka -e redis -e mongo
and you should see similiar output:
calendar-kafka-release ClusterIP <none> 9092/TCP 30m
calendar-kafka-release-headless ClusterIP None <none> 9092/TCP,9093/TCP 30m
calendar-kafka-release-zookeeper ClusterIP <none> 2181/TCP,2888/TCP,3888/TCP 30m
calendar-kafka-release-zookeeper-headless ClusterIP None <none> 2181/TCP,2888/TCP,3888/TCP 30m
calendar-mongodb-release ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 160m
calendar-redis-release-headless ClusterIP None <none> 6379/TCP 160m
calendar-redis-release-master ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 160m
calendar-redis-release-replicas ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 160m
To deploy .NET Core applications make sure you are positioned in the right directory and then install the Helm Chart.
cd scripts/charts/calendar
helm upgrade --install calendar-release . \
--namespace=calendar \
--set agenda-viewer.image.tag="1.0.0" \
--set agenda-scheduler.image.tag="1.0.0" \
--set front-end.image.tag="1.0.0" \
--set agenda-scheduler.env.MONGO__CREDENTIAL__PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "calendar" calendar-mongodb-release -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-root-password}" | base64 --decode) \
--set agenda-viewer.env.REDIS__PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace calendar calendar-redis-release -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)
Navigate to http://calendar.kube/
using a web browser.
Click on a spot to add an event.
Click on event and confirm to remove it.
Feel free to try it with multiple tabs, it's real-time.
Docker images pull fails? Try running this eval $(minikube docker-env)
Ingress dns resolution fails? Here is a possible fix, but instead of a "test" domain use a "kube" domain.
To create a pod that you can use as a Kafka client run the following commands:
kubectl run calendar-kafka-release-client --restart='Never' --image --namespace calendar --command -- sleep infinity
kubectl exec --tty -i calendar-kafka-release-client --namespace calendar -- bash
PRODUCER: --broker-list calendar-kafka-release-headless:9092 --topic test
CONSUMER: --bootstrap-server calendar-kafka-release:9092 --topic test --from-beginning
To delete all message from specific topic run command: --zookeeper calendar-kafka-release-zookeeper:2181 --alter --topic TOPIC_NAME --config retention.bytes=1
To read Kafka configuration value: --bootstrap-server calendar-kafka-release:9092 --all --describe --entity-type brokers | grep "auto.create.topics.enable"
To get your password run:
export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace calendar calendar-redis-release -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)
To connect to your Redis(TM) server:
- Run a Redis(TM) pod that you can use as a client:
kubectl run --namespace calendar redis-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' \
--image -- bash
- Connect using the Redis(TM) CLI:
redis-cli -h redis-master -a $REDIS_PASSWORD
To connect to your database, create a MongoDB® client container:
kubectl run --namespace calendar calendar-mongodb-release-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' \
--command -- bash
Then, run the following command:
mongo admin --host "calendar-mongodb-release" --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD
To connect to your database from outside the cluster execute the following commands:
kubectl port-forward --namespace calendar svc/calendar-mongodb-release 27017:27017 &
mongo --host --authenticationDatabase admin -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD
- Create a cluster and a registry resources, enable
HTTP request routing
- Install Helm charts the same way, use less resources for dev/test (Config below fits into two Standard B2s worker nodes)
helm upgrade --install calendar-redis-release bitnami/redis --set master.persistence.size=500Mi --set replica.persistence.size=500Mi --set architecture=standalone
helm upgrade --install calendar-mongodb-release bitnami/mongodb --set persistence.size=500Mi --set hidden.persistence.size=500Mi
helm upgrade --install calendar-kafka-release bitnami/kafka --set persistence.size=1Gi --set logPersistence.size=1Gi --set zookeeper.persistence.size=1Gi --set livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds=60 --set readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds=60 --set startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds=60
Create kafka topics
kubectl exec --tty -i calendar-kafka-release-0 -- --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic scheduler_event_added --partitions 2 --create
kubectl exec --tty -i calendar-kafka-release-0 -- --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic scheduler_event_removed --partitions 2 --create
- Get cluster DNS zone, from portal or cli, and save it into a variable
azure_cluster_zone=$(az aks show --name <cluster name> --resource-group <resource group name> --query addonProfiles.httpApplicationRouting.config.HTTPApplicationRoutingZoneName -o tsv)
4A. Using prebuild images. Install the apps
helm upgrade --install calendar-release . \
--set agenda-viewer.image.tag="master" \
--set agenda-scheduler.image.tag="master" \
--set front-end.image.tag="master" \
--set \
--set \
--set \
--set front-end.ingress.annotations."kubernetes\.io\/ingress\.class"=addon-http-application-routing \
--set "front-end.ingress.hosts[0].host"=calendar-cluster.$azure_cluster_zone \
--set "front-end.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path"="/" \
--set "front-end.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType"=Prefix \
--set agenda-scheduler.env.MONGO__CREDENTIAL__PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret calendar-mongodb-release -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-root-password}" | base64 --decode) \
--set agenda-viewer.env.REDIS__PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret calendar-redis-release -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)
4B. Building images from source. Push images into a registry
az acr build --file ./agenda-scheduler/Calendar.AgendaScheduler.WebApi/Dockerfile --registry <registry name> --image calendar/agenda-scheduler:1.0.0 .
az acr build --file ./agenda-viewer/Calendar.AgendaViewer.WebApi/Dockerfile --registry <registry name> --image calendar/agenda-viewer:1.0.0 .
az acr build --file ./front-end/Calendar.WebApp/Dockerfile --registry <registry name> --image calendar/front-end:1.0.0 .
5B. Install the apps
azure_registry_name=<azure cr name>
helm upgrade --install calendar-release . \
--set agenda-viewer.image.tag="1.0.0" \
--set agenda-scheduler.image.tag="1.0.0" \
--set front-end.image.tag="1.0.0" \
--set agenda-viewer.image.repository=$azure_registry_name/calendar/agenda-viewer \
--set agenda-scheduler.image.repository=$azure_registry_name/calendar/agenda-scheduler \
--set front-end.image.repository=$azure_registry_name/calendar/front-end \
--set front-end.ingress.annotations."kubernetes\.io\/ingress\.class"=addon-http-application-routing \
--set "front-end.ingress.hosts[0].host"=calendar-cluster.$azure_cluster_zone \
--set "front-end.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path"="/" \
--set "front-end.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType"=Prefix \
--set agenda-scheduler.env.MONGO__CREDENTIAL__PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret calendar-mongodb-release -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-root-password}" | base64 --decode) \
--set agenda-viewer.env.REDIS__PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret calendar-redis-release -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)