In the dynamic world of Flutter app development, the ability to perform efficient CRUD operations is a game-changer. Seamlessly integrating HTTP requests with the power of Clean Architecture and the Dio library can elevate your Flutter applications to new heights of performance and productivity. In this in-depth guide, we unveil the strategies and techniques for implementing smooth and optimized HTTP requests using Clean Architecture and Dio. By following the principles of Clean Architecture, you'll establish a solid foundation that enhances code maintainability, scalability, and modularity. Combined with the versatility of Dio, a battle-tested HTTP client library, this will equip you with a powerful toolset to conquer complex networking challenges. Get ready to elevate your Flutter development with optimized HTTP requests.
- Perform CRUD operations on the API.
- Clean architecture promotes separation of concerns and maintainability.
- Use of Dio library for making HTTP requests.
- Use Riverpod for state management.
- Flutter SDK
- Dart SDK
- Dio library
- Riverpod library
- Other dependencies as specified in the
- Clone the repository or download the source code.
- Make sure you have Flutter SDK and Dart SDK installed on your machine.
- Open the project in your preferred IDE or editor.
- Run
flutter pub get
to install the required dependencies.
Follow this link for an in-depth guide to build this project from scratch
The project follows a clean architecture approach to keep the codebase organized and maintainable. Here's an overview of the project structure:
- lib: Contains the main application code.
- data: Responsible for data handling.
- datasources: Defines the data sources
- repository: Implements the repository pattern to handle data operations.
- domain: Contains the business logic and use cases of the application.
- model: Contains the data models used in the application.
- repository: Defines the abstract repository interfaces.
- usecases: Implements the use cases that interact with the repositories.
- presentation: Handles the UI layer and user interactions.
- screen: Contains the different screens of the application.
- view_model: Implements Riverpod for state management
- data: Responsible for data handling.
The application provides a user interface where you can perform CRUD operations on the API. You can navigate through different screens, view, create, update, and delete data using the provided UI elements.
To run the application, execute the following command in the terminal:
flutter run
This project is licensed under the MIT License.