(codename: nilnul.dev._bak_._WIN_)
Automatically bak (backup) your local repos to a collection of remote servers, such that you files would never get lost;
It can
- automatically name your repo if you follow a specified structure; so you can just put your repo in a certain location, and this software can handle the rest for you (you even don't need to init it!);
- create corresponding repo on the server;
- create a bak branch in your local repo to keep your work-in-process before pushing it to the servers;
- push also other branches;
- push some branches you named as
to the pub servers as you configurated; this is useful if some repo is open source one;
This currently targets dotnet framework 4.8.1;
To develop this:
- download this repo into a folder named, say, nilnul.dev._bak_;
- also download nilnul.dev._bak_._LIB_ and nilnul.dev._bak_._CTR_ into that folder; nilnul.dev._bak_._WIN_ is the winForm appliction, which need to “project reference” nilnul.dev._bak_._LIB_ and nilnul.dev._bak_._CTR_;
- other dependencies shall be automatically restored when you build;
- now you can run;
To run this, you need some configurations:
- configure a collection of disjoint folders as srcs; under each src, every repo is named after its relative path to the src;
- configure a collection of remote servers; we now support github, gitlab, azure, amazon; For some regions in east asia, github connection is not stable, so it's defaulted to ssh for pushing; for other regions, the connection can be, in our plan, defaulted to https;
- click menu "Bak -> Folders -> Srcs", your configurated srcs shall appear there; click start to begin the bakking process;
This software is currently in preview; if you have any question, open an issue;
Currently there is a user manual in Chinese: http://nilnul.com/app_/nilnul._dev_._bak_.WIN._MAN_/
You can use browser to translate it. The English version is on the way.
Free for personal noncommercial use. For commercial use, the initial 6 months are free, and $10 per core per year afterwards.
Commercial use means:
- it is installed on a computer owned by an organization, not a person;
- or it's used as part of or in the process of a commoditiy/service that is for sale;