This tools suite implements very specific image processing methods that are often missing from image processing libraries and softwares. The goal is to offer simple tools that allows to access to these methods and use them on images mainly in the research domain.
These methods originates from different research field problems and aim to provide possible solutions through easy to use softwares (that remain in command line).
Each implemented tool of the suite comes with its own documentation that explains the implemented solution and gives examples of usages and results :
Histogram and exposure correction
Morphological Operators
Images completion
Dense matching and optical flow
In addition, codes come with doxygen documentation that goes in the detail of each aspects of the implemented methods.
image-suite - Nils Hamel
Copyright (c) 2020 DHLAB, EPFL
This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3. Documentation and illustrations are licensed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0.
The image-suite comes with the following package (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) dependencies (Instructions) :
- build-essential
and the following external dependencies (Instructions) :
- opencv 4.0.1
The code documentation is built using Doxygen.
To build the project, including the sub-modules, use make with the following targets :
$ make clean-all && make all
To rebuild the binaries without rebuilding sub-modules, use the make targets :
$ make clean && make build
To only rebuild sub-modules, use the make command with the targets :
$ make clean-module && make module
To generate the documentation of the project, use the targets :
$ make clean-doc && make doc
and the targets :
$ make clean-all-doc && make all-doc
to generate the documentation of the project and its sub-modules.