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seyyed edited this page Aug 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

this interface used for consume data from kafka and implement in kafka project

you must config the kafka project and add the project to your microservice and used this interface



List kafkaMessages()

return list of Objects that consume list of Data

BaseDTO removeAll()

return the result of remove the list of consume objects

Object getLastMessage();

return the last of object that consumed in list

< R > R getLastMessage(Class tClass)

tClass the object of class you want cast to it

< R > the type of class you want return

return the last of object that consumed in list

Object getFirstMessage();

return the first of object that consumed in list

< R > R getFirstMessage(Class tClass)

tClass the object of class you want cast to it

< R > the type of class you want return

the first of object that consumed in list

Object getAndRemoveFirstMessage();

return the first of object that consumed in list

remove the object from list after return

< R > R getAndRemoveFirstMessage(Class tClass)

tClass the object of class you want cast to it

< R > the type of class you want return

the first of object that consumed in list

remove the object from list after return

Object getAndRemoveLastMessage();

return the last of object that consumed in list

remove the object from list after return

< R > R getAndRemoveLastMessage(Class tClass);

tClass the object of class you want cast to it

< R > the type of class you want return

return the last of object that consumed in list

remove the object from list after return

int messagesList();

return the size of consumed Data

Object getMessage(int index);

index of list you want to get

return the object that consumed in list

< R > R getMessage(int index, Class tClass);

index of list you want to get

tClass the object of class you want cast to it

< R > the type of class you want return

return the object that consumed in list

< R > R getAndRemoveMessage(int index, Class tClass);

index of list you want to get

tClass the object of class you want cast to it

< R > the type of class you want return

return the object that consumed in list

remove the object from list after return