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Collector properties

dstryker edited this page Mar 30, 2012 · 8 revisions

Alert specific properties

System property Description Required? Default value Corresponding MBean attribute
arecibo.udp.port UDP port to listen on (auto means it will find a random available port) No auto
arecibo.udp.numThreads Number of UDP acceptor threads No 50
arecibo.rmi.port RMI port to listen on (auto means it will find a random available port) No auto Jetty ip/hostname No
arecibo.jetty.port Jetty port No 8088
arecibo.jetty.threads.min Jetty min threads No 1
arecibo.jetty.threads.max Jetty max threads No 200
arecibo.jetty.accept-queue Jetty accept queue size No 200
arecibo.jetty.resourceBase Jetty resource base path No src/main/webapp
arecibo.collector.db.url JDBC url connection string Yes
arecibo.collector.db.user Database username No
arecibo.collector.db.password Database password No
arecibo.collector.db.minIdleConnections Jetty resource base path No 1
arecibo.collector.db.maxActiveConnections Jetty resource base path No 50
arecibo.collector.serviceLocatorKlass ServiceLocator implementation for announcements and discovery No com.ning.arecibo.util.service.DummyServiceLocator
arecibo.collector.serviceName Arecibo service name, used for announcements and discovery No AreciboCollectorService
arecibo.alertmanager.extraGuiceModules Extra Guice modules to be installed No ""
arecibo.collector.eventSerializersKlass Serializers classes to use to deserialize incoming events No com.ning.arecibo.event.transport.JavaEventSerializer,com.ning.arecibo.event.transport.JsonEventSerializer,com.ning.arecibo.event.transport.MapEventSerializer
arecibo.collector.eventFilterKlass Class to use to filter events No null
arecibo.collector.attributesToIgnore When using the provided FilterOutAttributesEventFilter class, list of attributes to filter out on the way in No
arecibo.collector.timelines.maxHosts Max number of different hosts to keep in memory at the same time No 10000
arecibo.collector.timelines.maxSampleKinds Max number of different sample kinds to keep in memory at the same time No 10000
arecibo.collector.timelines.length How long to buffer data in memory before flushing it to the database No 10m
arecibo.collector.timelines.aggregationInterval How often to check to see if there are timelines ready to be aggregated No 1h
arecibo.collector.timelines.maxAggregationLevel The maximum number of aggregation levels No 3
arecibo.collector.timelines.chunksToAggregate A string with a comma-separated set of integers, one for each aggregation level, giving the number of sequential TimelineTimes chunks with that aggregation level we must find to perform aggregation. The default value corresponds to 12 hours; 7 days and 3 weeks No 12,14,3
arecibo.collector.timelines.deleteAggregatedChunks If true, blast the old TimelineTimes and TimelineChunk rows; if false, leave them in peace, since they won't be accessed No false
arecibo.collector.timelines.segmentsSize Direct memory segments size in bytes to allocate when buffering incoming events No 1048576
arecibo.collector.timelines.maxNbSegments Max number of direct memory segments to allocate. This times the number of segments indicates the max amount of data buffered before storing a copy to disk No 10
arecibo.collector.timelines.spoolDir Spool directory for in-memory data No /var/tmp/arecibo
arecibo.collector.timelines.verboseStats Whether to expose in JMX verbose stats per timeline (host), sample kind and opcode No false
arecibo.collector.rt.kafka.enabled Whether Kafka is enabled No false
arecibo.collector.rt.kafka.zkConnect zkConnect string for Kafka No
arecibo.collector.rt.kafka.zkConnectionTimeout Zookeeper timeout No 6s
arecibo.collector.rt.kafka.groupId Kafka groupId No arecibo