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A highly customizable and reusable table component for Next.js applications, built with TypeScript and the latest technologies.


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Next.js Reusable Table

A highly customizable and reusable table component for Next.js applications, built with TypeScript and the latest technologies.

See the Examples

Table of Contents


  • TypeScript Support: Fully typed with generics to ensure type safety and better developer experience.

  • Next.js Optimized: Specifically designed for seamless integration with Next.js applications, ensuring performance and compatibility.

  • Customizable Columns and Data: Easily configure columns and map data properties, making the table versatile for various data structures.

  • Action Dropdowns: Built-in support for row-specific actions with customizable buttons and functions, enabling interactive tables.

  • Loading Skeleton: Provides a smooth user experience by showing a skeleton loader during data fetch or loading states.

  • No Content Component: Displays a friendly message when no data is available, enhancing UX for empty states.

  • Styling Flexibility: Comes with default Tailwind CSS styles but allows opting out to apply custom styles or completely override the design.

  • Search Functionality: Integrates a search feature to easily filter and search through table data.

  • Handle Various Data Types: Effortlessly manages data types like dates, arrays, URLs, and strings, automatically formatting and displaying them in a user-friendly way.

  • Dark Mode Compatible: Supports dark mode themes and can be easily customized to match your application's design.

  • Modern Technologies: Built with the latest React features and follows best practices for efficient, maintainable code.


This package uses Tailwind CSS for styling. Ensure you have Tailwind CSS installed and configured in your Next.js project. If you haven't set it up yet, follow the official Tailwind CSS Next.js Installation Guide.

Note: If you prefer not to use Tailwind CSS or want to apply your own styling, you can opt-out of the default styles provided by this package. See the Opting Out of Default Styles section for details.


Install the package via npm:

npm install nextjs-reusable-table

Or via yarn:

yarn add nextjs-reusable-table


Import the TableComponent into your Next.js page or component:

import React from "react";
import { TableComponent } from "nextjs-reusable-table";
import "nextjs-reusable-table/dist/index.css"; // Import default styles

Pass the required props to the TableComponent:

  actionTexts={["Edit", "Delete"]}
  actionFunctions={[handleEdit, handleDelete]}

Basic Example

"use client";
import React from "react";
import { TableComponent } from "nextjs-reusable-table";
import "nextjs-reusable-table/dist/index.css"; // Import default styles

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  role: string;

const data: User[] = [
  { id: 1, name: "John Doe", email: "", role: "Admin" },
  // ... more data

const columns = ["Name", "Email", "Role"];
const props = ["name", "email", "role"] as const;

const MyTablePage: React.FC = () => {
  const handleEdit = (item: User) => {
    console.log("Edit", item);

  const handleDelete = (item: User) => {
    console.log("Delete", item);

  return (
      actionTexts={["Edit", "Delete"]}
      actionFunctions={[handleEdit, handleDelete]}

export default MyTablePage;

Opting Out of Default Styles

If you prefer to use your own styling or are not using Tailwind CSS in your project, you can opt-out of the default styles provided by the package. Here's how:

  • Do Not Import the Default CSS
// import "nextjs-reusable-table/dist/index.css"; // Do not import this
  • Set disableDefaultStyles to true

    Pass the disableDefaultStyles prop to the TableComponent:

  // ... your props
    container: "my-custom-container",
    table: "my-custom-table",
    th: "my-custom-th",
    // ... other custom classes
  • Provide Custom Class Names (Optional)

    If you want to apply your own styles, you can pass custom class names via the customClassNames prop. This allows you to fully customize the appearance of the table.

"use client";
import React from "react";
import { TableComponent } from "nextjs-reusable-table";
// Do not import the default CSS
import "./my-custom-styles.css"; // Your custom styles

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  role: string;

const data: User[] = [
  { id: 1, name: "John Doe", email: "", role: "Admin" },
  // ... more data

const columns = ["Name", "Email", "Role"];
const props = ["name", "email", "role"] as const;

const MyTablePage: React.FC = () => {
  const handleEdit = (item: User) => {
    console.log("Edit", item);

  const handleDelete = (item: User) => {
    console.log("Delete", item);

  return (
      actionTexts={["Edit", "Delete"]}
      actionFunctions={[handleEdit, handleDelete]}
        container: "my-custom-container",
        table: "my-custom-table",
        th: "my-custom-th",
        tr: "my-custom-tr",
        td: "my-custom-td",
        actionTd: "my-custom-action-td",
        actionButton: "my-custom-action-button",
        actionSvg: "my-custom-action-svg",
        dropdownMenu: "my-custom-dropdown-menu",
        dropdownItem: "my-custom-dropdown-item",

export default MyTablePage;
  • Use Custom Rows

    If you want to customize the appearance of the table rows, you can pass a custom renderRow function to the TableComponent. This allows you to fully control the rendering of each row.

"use client";
import React from "react";
import { TableComponent } from "nextjs-reusable-table";
import "nextjs-reusable-table/dist/index.css"; // Import default styles

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  role: string;
  status: string;

const data: User[] = [
    id: 1,
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",
    role: "Admin",
    status: "Active",
  // ... more data

const columns = ["Name", "Email", "Role", "Status"];

const MyTablePage: React.FC = () => {
  const handleEdit = (item: User) => {
    console.log("Edit", item);

  const handleDelete = (item: User) => {
    console.log("Delete", item);

  const renderCustomRow = (item: User, index: number) => {
    return (
        <td className="px-6 py-4 whitespace-nowrap text-sm text-gray-700">
        <td className="px-6 py-4 whitespace-nowrap text-sm text-gray-700">
            className="text-blue-500 hover:underline"
        <td className="px-6 py-4 whitespace-nowrap text-sm text-gray-700">
        <td className="px-6 py-4 whitespace-nowrap text-sm">
            className={`px-2 inline-flex text-xs leading-5 font-semibold rounded-full ${
              item.status === "Active"
                ? "bg-green-100 text-green-800"
                : "bg-red-100 text-red-800"

  return (
      props={["name", "email", "role", "status"] as const}

export default MyTablePage;


The TableComponent does not include a built-in pagination feature. However, you can easily add pagination by passing a custom pagination component as a prop. This allows you to use any pagination library or component of your choice.



Prop Type Required Description
columns string[] Yes An array of column headers to display.
data T[] Yes An array of data objects to display in the table.
props ReadonlyArray<keyof T> Yes The keys from data objects corresponding to each column.
actions boolean No Whether to display action buttons.
actionTexts string[] No Labels for the action buttons.
actionFunctions Array<(item: T) => void> No Functions to handle action button clicks.
loading boolean No Displays a skeleton loader when true.
searchValue string No Current search query, used in the no content message.
disableDefaultStyles boolean No When set to true, disables the default Tailwind CSS styles applied to the table components.
customClassNames object No An object containing custom class names for various elements of the table.
renderRow (item: T, index: number) => React.ReactNode No Custom function to render table rows.
rowOnClick (item: T) => void No Function triggered when a row is clicked.
paginationComponent React.ReactNode No A custom pagination component to display below the table.
enableDarkMode boolean No Enables dark mode styles.

customClassNames Object Keys

Key Description
container Class for the outer container <div>.
table Class for the <table> element.
thead Class for the <thead> element.
th Class for the <th> elements.
tr Class for the <tr> elements.
td Class for the <td> elements.
actionTd Class for the <td> containing the action dropdown.
actionButton Class for the action button.
actionSvg Class for the SVG icon in the action button.
dropdownMenu Class for the dropdown menu container.
dropdownItem Class for each item in the dropdown menu.



A component that renders a dropdown menu with action buttons for each row.


Prop Type Required Description
item T Yes The data item associated with the row.
index number Yes The index of the row.
actionTexts string[] Yes An array of labels for the action buttons.
actionFunctions Array<(item: T) => void> Yes An array of functions corresponding to each action.
disableDefaultStyles boolean No Boolean to disable default styles.
customClassNames object No Custom class names for styling.
enableDarkMode boolean No Enables dark mode styles.

customClassNames Object Keys (Optional)

Key Description
actionButton Class for the action button.
dropdownMenu Class for the dropdown menu container.
dropdownItem Class for each item in the dropdown menu.
actionSvg Class for the SVG icon in the action button.


Displays a skeleton loader while the table data is loading.


Prop Type Required Description
disableDefaultStyles boolean No Boolean to disable default styles.
customClassNames object No Custom class names for styling.

customClassNames Object Keys (Optional)

Key Description
container Class for the skeleton loader container.
row Class for the individual skeleton rows.


Shows a message when there are no items to display in the table.


Prop Type Required Description
name string No The name of the content type, e.g., "items" or "users".


Contributions are welcome! Please see for details on how to get started.


We use Semantic Versioning for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

To bump the version, update the version field in package.json and follow the guidelines in the file.


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.


  • Inspired by common data table patterns in React and Next.js applications.
  • Thanks to all contributors and users for their support.