Demo webapp for Anchor wallet authentication and showing Atomic Assets in EOSIO based Blockchain - WAX
To run the web-app,
cd wax-anchor-login
npm install
npm run start
then, login with Anchor Authentication in Testnet, note that wax cloud wallet isn't included here.
For displaying Assets ( Wax NFTs from you inventory ), all you have to do is input an collection name or your own collection name by the atomicassets testnet api.
// getting assets through atomicassets testnet api
const GetAssets = async (account:any) => {
let results = [];
var path = "atomicassets/v1/assets?owner=" + account + "&page=1&limit=1000&order=desc&sort=asset_id";
const response = await fetch("https://" + "" + path, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain"
method: "POST",