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Neural Network from Scratch


This repository contains code for Artificial Neural Network trained from scratch using NumPy. Scikit-Learn is used just for train-test split and finding accuracy score. To know how backpropogation works, check this.


  • Multilayer Neural Network (L Layers)
  • Multiclass Neural Network (N classes)
  • Batching
  • Cross-Entropy Loss with Softmax
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent
  • Three different type of activation functions
    • Sigmoid
    • ReLu
    • TanH
  • Saving and Loading weights Functionality (Best accuracy weights will be saved)
  • Prediction on Test data
  • Argument Parser
  • Training loss and test accuracy plots

Dataset Used

Fashion MNIST dataset has been used. The dataset contains 60,000 examples - each example is a 28x28 grayscale image, belonging to one of the 10 following class labels.

  • Class labels:

    Label Description
       0 	T-shirt/top
       1	Trouser
       2	Pullover
       3	Dress
       4	Coat
       5	Sandal
       6	Shirt
       7	Sneaker
       8	Bag
       9	Ankle boot

Represntation of images in the dataset:

The images are flattened to represent them as a row - each row consisting of 28*28 = 784 values. Each value reprsents a pixel of the image. To locate a pixel on the image, suppose that we have decomposed x as x = i * 28 + j, where i and j are integers between 0 and 27. The pixel is located on row i and column j of a 28 x 28 matrix. For example, pixel31 indicates the pixel that is in the fourth column from the left, and the second row from the top.

Dataset format:

The first row represnts the heading. Rests are the examples. Each row, having 785 columns, in the CSV file represents one example. The first column reprsents the label of the image. The rest of the 784 columns are the pixel values.

The sample dataset format:

label, pixel1, pixel2, pixel3, ..., pixel784



How to run

git clone
cd Neural-Network-From-Scratch
mkdir Apparel

Download the Fashion MNIST dataset from here (Google Drive) Unzip the downloaded file and keep apparel-test.csv and apparel-trainval.csv into the Apparel folder.

python3 --epochs 10 --num_classes 10 --activation_fn relu --hidden_layers "100"

Hidden layer size can be set in a python string. For example --hidden layers "512, 256" means two hidden layers with 512 and 256 neurons respectively.

It will save the weights file named best_acc_weights.npy. These weights are usable to predict the new test examples. To load the weights file, the following command can be used:

python3 --epochs 10 --num_classes 10 --activation_fn relu --hidden_layers "100" --weights best_acc_weights.npy

Loss and Accuracy Plot