Following Stephen Toub post from April 2018 on DotNetCore 2.0 and 2.1 benchmarks, I have decided to update it with latest DotNetCore3.0 preview. Most of the following are taken from his post. The benchmarking library is benchmarkdotnet.
All benchmarks were run on the same computer (Dell XPS 9550, in flight mode, antivirus off):
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.11.5, OS=Windows 10.0.17763.437 (1809/October2018Update/Redstone5)
Intel Core i7-6700HQ CPU 2.60GHz (Skylake), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
[Host] : .NET Framework 4.7.2 (CLR 4.0.30319.42000), 64bit RyuJIT-v4.8.3761.0
Job-BFNISR : .NET Core 2.0.9 (CoreCLR 4.6.26614.01, CoreFX 4.6.26614.01), 64bit RyuJIT
Job-OXVCGU : .NET Core 2.1.9 (CoreCLR 4.6.27414.06, CoreFX 4.6.27415.01), 64bit RyuJIT
Job-AQDXUX : .NET Core 2.2.4 (CoreCLR 4.6.27521.02, CoreFX 4.6.27521.01), 64bit RyuJIT
Job-KTSQXX : .NET Core 3.0.0-preview4-27615-11 (CoreCLR 4.6.27615.73, CoreFX 4.700.19.21213), 64bit RyuJIT
Clr : .NET Framework 4.7.2 (CLR 4.0.30319.42000), 64bit RyuJIT-v4.8.3761.0
Platform=X64 Runtime=Clr
public byte[] Sha256() => sha256.ComputeHash(data);
public byte[] Md5() => md5.ComputeHash(data);
Method | Job | Toolchain | Mean | Ratio |
Sha256 | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 49.20 us | 0.52 |
Sha256 | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 49.18 us | 0.52 |
Sha256 | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 48.57 us | 0.52 |
Sha256 | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 48.95 us | 0.52 |
Sha256 | Clr | Default | 94.14 us | 1.00 |
Md5 | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 23.01 us | 0.95 |
Md5 | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 23.11 us | 0.95 |
Md5 | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 23.18 us | 0.95 |
Md5 | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 23.15 us | 0.95 |
Md5 | Clr | Default | 24.35 us | 1.00 |
public IList<byte> Where() => data.Where(x => x > 20).ToList();
public IList<byte> SortedSet() => new SortedSet<byte>(data).ToList();
public void Sin()
foreach (var b in data)
Math.Sin(((double)b) / 42.0);
public void Dictionary()
foreach (var b in data)
Method | Job | Toolchain | Mean | Ratio |
Where | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 45.52 us | 0.37 |
Where | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 50.90 us | 0.41 |
Where | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 51.38 us | 0.41 |
Where | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 49.06 us | 0.40 |
Where | Clr | Default | 123.55 us | 1.00 |
SortedSet | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 617.23 us | 0.35 |
SortedSet | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 591.40 us | 0.34 |
SortedSet | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 593.96 us | 0.34 |
SortedSet | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 587.20 us | 0.33 |
SortedSet | Clr | Default | 1,754.27 us | 1.00 |
Sin | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 200.04 us | 0.41 |
Sin | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 203.59 us | 0.41 |
Sin | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 200.15 us | 0.41 |
Sin | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 204.11 us | 0.41 |
Sin | Clr | Default | 493.33 us | 1.00 |
Dictionary | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 310.44 us | 1.07 |
Dictionary | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 222.51 us | 0.77 |
Dictionary | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 218.45 us | 0.77 |
Dictionary | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 255.24 us | 0.88 |
Dictionary | Clr | Default | 289.78 us | 1.00 |
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = 100_000_000)]
public int EqualityComparerInt32()
int[] items = s_intArray;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
if (EqualityComparer<int>.Default.Equals(items[i], -1))
return i;
return -1;
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = Items)]
public int DictionaryContainsValue()
Dictionary<int, int> d = s_dict;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++)
if (d.ContainsValue(i))
return count;
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = 10_000)]
public bool EnumHasFlag()
FileAccess value = FileAccess.ReadWrite;
bool result = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i++)
result &= value.HasFlag(FileAccess.Read);
return result;
public bool LoopBodyLayout() => StringsAreEqual(
"this is a test to see if these strings are equal",
"this is a test to see if these strings are equal"
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = 10_000_000)]
public int LoweringTESTtoBT()
int y = 0, x = 0;
while (x++ < 10_000_000)
if ((x & (1 << y)) == 0)
return y;
public void BoxingAllocations() => BoxingAllocations(default(Dog));
private void BoxingAllocations<T>(T thing)
if (thing is IAnimal)
Method | Job | Toolchain | Mean | Ratio |
EqualityComparerInt32 | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 2.8902 ns | 1.19 |
EqualityComparerInt32 | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 1.0809 ns | 0.43 |
EqualityComparerInt32 | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 1.0875 ns | 0.46 |
EqualityComparerInt32 | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 1.1691 ns | 0.48 |
EqualityComparerInt32 | Clr | Default | 2.4445 ns | 1.00 |
DictionaryContainsValue | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 5,301.4990 ns | 1.20 |
DictionaryContainsValue | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 2,156.4981 ns | 0.49 |
DictionaryContainsValue | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 2,251.0265 ns | 0.51 |
DictionaryContainsValue | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 2,292.9484 ns | 0.52 |
DictionaryContainsValue | Clr | Default | 4,477.1106 ns | 1.00 |
EnumHasFlag | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 20.2835 ns | 0.86 |
EnumHasFlag | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 0.8173 ns | 0.03 |
EnumHasFlag | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 0.8065 ns | 0.03 |
EnumHasFlag | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 0.4163 ns | 0.02 |
EnumHasFlag | Clr | Default | 23.7034 ns | 1.00 |
LoopBodyLayout | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 71.5786 ns | 1.94 |
LoopBodyLayout | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 37.6488 ns | 1.02 |
LoopBodyLayout | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 37.1289 ns | 1.01 |
LoopBodyLayout | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 38.6321 ns | 1.05 |
LoopBodyLayout | Clr | Default | 36.8877 ns | 1.00 |
LoweringTESTtoBT | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 1.8056 ns | 1.37 |
LoweringTESTtoBT | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 1.2312 ns | 0.93 |
LoweringTESTtoBT | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 1.2022 ns | 0.90 |
LoweringTESTtoBT | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 1.3039 ns | 0.99 |
LoweringTESTtoBT | Clr | Default | 1.3225 ns | 1.00 |
BoxingAllocations | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 18.1086 ns | 1.08 |
BoxingAllocations | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 1.8790 ns | 0.11 |
BoxingAllocations | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 2.0924 ns | 0.12 |
BoxingAllocations | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 2.1033 ns | 0.12 |
BoxingAllocations | Clr | Default | 16.8597 ns | 1.00 |
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = 1_000_000)]
public void ThreadStatics()
for (int i = 0; i < 1_000_000; i++) GetThreadStatic();
public void TimerContention()
var tasks = new Task[Environment.ProcessorCount];
for (int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++)
tasks[i] = Task.Run(async () =>
for (int j = 0; j < 50_000; j++)
using (var t = new Timer(delegate { }, null, 100_000, -1))
await Task.Yield();
public void SerialCancellationTokenRegistration() =>
s_token.Register(() => { }).Dispose();
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = 1_000_000)]
public void ParallelCancellationTokenRegistration() =>
Parallel.For(0, 1_000_000, i => s_token.Register(() => { }).Dispose());
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = 10_000)]
public async Task AsyncMethodAwaitInvocation()
for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i++) await MethodAsync();
Method | Job | Toolchain | Mean | Ratio |
ThreadStatics | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 9.564 ns | 1.17 |
ThreadStatics | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 8.093 ns | 0.99 |
ThreadStatics | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 8.068 ns | 0.99 |
ThreadStatics | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 7.779 ns | 0.95 |
ThreadStatics | Clr | Default | 8.172 ns | 1.00 |
TimerContention | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 466,720,876.471 ns | 1.62 |
TimerContention | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 173,399,976.596 ns | 0.61 |
TimerContention | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 140,698,656.731 ns | 0.49 |
TimerContention | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 152,115,641.333 ns | 0.64 |
TimerContention | Clr | Default | 288,566,760.714 ns | 1.00 |
SerialCancellationTokenRegistration | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 127.337 ns | 0.92 |
SerialCancellationTokenRegistration | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 68.197 ns | 0.49 |
SerialCancellationTokenRegistration | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 74.352 ns | 0.54 |
SerialCancellationTokenRegistration | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 69.990 ns | 0.50 |
SerialCancellationTokenRegistration | Clr | Default | 138.689 ns | 1.00 |
ParallelCancellationTokenRegistration | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 39.402 ns | 0.92 |
ParallelCancellationTokenRegistration | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 14.621 ns | 0.34 |
ParallelCancellationTokenRegistration | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 16.755 ns | 0.39 |
ParallelCancellationTokenRegistration | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 20.286 ns | 0.49 |
ParallelCancellationTokenRegistration | Clr | Default | 42.874 ns | 1.00 |
AsyncMethodAwaitInvocation | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 27.305 ns | 0.40 |
AsyncMethodAwaitInvocation | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 18.015 ns | 0.26 |
AsyncMethodAwaitInvocation | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 16.603 ns | 0.24 |
AsyncMethodAwaitInvocation | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 17.331 ns | 0.25 |
AsyncMethodAwaitInvocation | Clr | Default | 69.111 ns | 1.00 |
public bool StringEquals() =>
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages!"
public void StringIndexOf() =>
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."
public int IndexOfAny() =>
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."
public string StringToLowerChangesNeeded() =>
"This is a test to see what happens when we call ToLower."
public string StringToLowerAlreadyCased() =>
"this is a test to see what happens when we call tolower."
public string[] StringSplit() =>
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."
public string StringConcatCharEnumerable() =>
string.Concat(Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).Select(i => (char)('a' + i % 26)));
Method | Job | Toolchain | Mean | Ratio |
StringEquals | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 18.90 ns | 0.89 |
StringEquals | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 12.00 ns | 0.56 |
StringEquals | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 11.51 ns | 0.54 |
StringEquals | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 12.18 ns | 0.57 |
StringEquals | Clr | Default | 21.24 ns | 1.00 |
StringIndexOf | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 48.88 ns | 0.48 |
StringIndexOf | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 19.01 ns | 0.19 |
StringIndexOf | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 19.03 ns | 0.19 |
StringIndexOf | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 18.69 ns | 0.18 |
StringIndexOf | Clr | Default | 101.66 ns | 1.00 |
IndexOfAny | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 102.95 ns | 0.74 |
IndexOfAny | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 38.37 ns | 0.28 |
IndexOfAny | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 42.32 ns | 0.30 |
IndexOfAny | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 18.87 ns | 0.14 |
IndexOfAny | Clr | Default | 138.91 ns | 1.00 |
StringToLowerChangesNeeded | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 199.77 ns | 0.94 |
StringToLowerChangesNeeded | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 95.21 ns | 0.45 |
StringToLowerChangesNeeded | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 100.46 ns | 0.47 |
StringToLowerChangesNeeded | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 59.11 ns | 0.28 |
StringToLowerChangesNeeded | Clr | Default | 211.58 ns | 1.00 |
StringToLowerAlreadyCased | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 200.60 ns | 0.93 |
StringToLowerAlreadyCased | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 68.88 ns | 0.32 |
StringToLowerAlreadyCased | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 66.86 ns | 0.31 |
StringToLowerAlreadyCased | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 41.64 ns | 0.19 |
StringToLowerAlreadyCased | Clr | Default | 214.63 ns | 1.00 |
StringSplit | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 358.89 ns | 1.00 |
StringSplit | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 256.43 ns | 0.71 |
StringSplit | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 254.56 ns | 0.71 |
StringSplit | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 257.87 ns | 0.72 |
StringSplit | Clr | Default | 358.82 ns | 1.00 |
StringConcatCharEnumerable | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 22,182.96 ns | 0.77 |
StringConcatCharEnumerable | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 17,184.09 ns | 0.59 |
StringConcatCharEnumerable | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 16,471.14 ns | 0.57 |
StringConcatCharEnumerable | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 14,554.08 ns | 0.50 |
StringConcatCharEnumerable | Clr | Default | 28,958.84 ns | 1.00 |
public void StringFormat() => string.Format("Test {0}", 123456789);
public void StringBuilderAppend()
StringBuilder sb = s_builder;
sb.Length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
public void Int32Formatting() => 123456789.ToString();
public void Int32Parsing() => int.Parse("123456789");
public void DoubleFormatting() => (1234.5678).ToString();
public void BigIntegerFormatting() => s_bi.ToString("X");
public void DateTimeOffsetFormatR() => s_dto.ToString("r");
public void DateTimeOffsetFormatO() => s_dto.ToString("o");
public byte[] ConvertFromBase64String() => Convert.FromBase64String(s_base64String);
public byte[] ConvertFromBase64Chars() => Convert.FromBase64CharArray(s_base64Chars, 0, s_base64Chars.Length);
Method | Job | Toolchain | Mean | Ratio |
StringFormat | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 205.53 ns | 1.03 |
StringFormat | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 154.70 ns | 0.77 |
StringFormat | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 157.73 ns | 0.79 |
StringFormat | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 121.52 ns | 0.61 |
StringFormat | Clr | Default | 199.90 ns | 1.00 |
StringBuilderAppend | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 7,160,585.05 ns | 0.89 |
StringBuilderAppend | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 3,812,760.76 ns | 0.47 |
StringBuilderAppend | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 3,906,503.66 ns | 0.49 |
StringBuilderAppend | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 2,965,858.10 ns | 0.37 |
StringBuilderAppend | Clr | Default | 8,052,928.96 ns | 1.00 |
Int32Formatting | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 74.91 ns | 0.96 |
Int32Formatting | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 38.70 ns | 0.49 |
Int32Formatting | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 37.15 ns | 0.48 |
Int32Formatting | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 35.79 ns | 0.46 |
Int32Formatting | Clr | Default | 78.21 ns | 1.00 |
Int32Parsing | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 124.33 ns | 1.13 |
Int32Parsing | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 104.20 ns | 0.94 |
Int32Parsing | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 96.10 ns | 0.87 |
Int32Parsing | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 22.37 ns | 0.20 |
Int32Parsing | Clr | Default | 110.41 ns | 1.00 |
DoubleFormatting | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 574.91 ns | 0.99 |
DoubleFormatting | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 232.86 ns | 0.40 |
DoubleFormatting | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 236.79 ns | 0.41 |
DoubleFormatting | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 268.78 ns | 0.46 |
DoubleFormatting | Clr | Default | 580.71 ns | 1.00 |
BigIntegerFormatting | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 91.95 ns | 1.06 |
BigIntegerFormatting | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 63.26 ns | 0.73 |
BigIntegerFormatting | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 68.45 ns | 0.79 |
BigIntegerFormatting | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 56.49 ns | 0.65 |
BigIntegerFormatting | Clr | Default | 87.08 ns | 1.00 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatR | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 274.27 ns | 1.08 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatR | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 82.75 ns | 0.33 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatR | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 84.44 ns | 0.33 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatR | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 80.27 ns | 0.32 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatR | Clr | Default | 253.87 ns | 1.00 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatO | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 328.13 ns | 0.43 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatO | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 131.13 ns | 0.17 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatO | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 133.85 ns | 0.18 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatO | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 129.25 ns | 0.17 |
DateTimeOffsetFormatO | Clr | Default | 754.35 ns | 1.00 |
ConvertFromBase64String | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 3,264.39 ns | 1.57 |
ConvertFromBase64String | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 1,722.97 ns | 0.83 |
ConvertFromBase64String | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 2,059.32 ns | 0.99 |
ConvertFromBase64String | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 1,648.02 ns | 0.79 |
ConvertFromBase64String | Clr | Default | 2,079.47 ns | 1.00 |
ConvertFromBase64Chars | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 3,243.92 ns | 1.56 |
ConvertFromBase64Chars | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 1,738.59 ns | 0.84 |
ConvertFromBase64Chars | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 2,056.39 ns | 0.99 |
ConvertFromBase64Chars | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 1,645.37 ns | 0.79 |
ConvertFromBase64Chars | Clr | Default | 2,082.23 ns | 1.00 |
public long IPAddressNetworkToHostOrder() => IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(s_addr);
public string UriAllocations() => new Uri("").AbsoluteUri;
public async Task SocketReceiveThenSend()
byte[] buffer = s_buffer;
NetworkStream server = s_server, client = s_client;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
var read = server.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
await client.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
await read;
Method | Job | Toolchain | Mean | Ratio |
IPAddressNetworkToHostOrder | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 11.3764 ns | 1.135 |
IPAddressNetworkToHostOrder | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 0.0000 ns | 0.000 |
IPAddressNetworkToHostOrder | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 0.0101 ns | 0.001 |
IPAddressNetworkToHostOrder | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 0.0145 ns | 0.001 |
IPAddressNetworkToHostOrder | Clr | Default | 10.0213 ns | 1.000 |
UriAllocations | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 1,123.4314 ns | 0.96 |
UriAllocations | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 750.7269 ns | 0.64 |
UriAllocations | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 745.5232 ns | 0.64 |
UriAllocations | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 716.4724 ns | 0.62 |
UriAllocations | Clr | Default | 1,164.3810 ns | 1.00 |
SocketReceiveThenSend | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 45,866,977.3333 ns | 0.74 |
SocketReceiveThenSend | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 43,933,739.2857 ns | 0.71 |
SocketReceiveThenSend | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 44,321,960.1190 ns | 0.72 |
SocketReceiveThenSend | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 41,577,366.1111 ns | 0.67 |
SocketReceiveThenSend | Clr | Default | 61,856,634.5588 ns | 1.00 |
public async Task ConcurrentHttpsGets()
await Task.WhenAll(
.Range(0, Environment.ProcessorCount)
.Select(async _ =>
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
await s_client.GetStringAsync(s_uri);
Method | Job | Toolchain | Mean | Ratio |
ConcurrentHttpsGets | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 171.82 ms | ? |
ConcurrentHttpsGets | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 17.92 ms | ? |
ConcurrentHttpsGets | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 17.09 ms | ? |
ConcurrentHttpsGets | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 14.66 ms | ? |
ConcurrentHttpsGets | Clr | Default | NA | ? |
Benchmarks with issues: Networking2.ConcurrentHttpsGets: Clr(Runtime=Clr)
public void EnumerateFiles()
// Enumerate through local clone of
foreach (string path in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"D:\Dev\wpf", "*.wpf", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
public byte[] DeriveBytes() => s_db.GetBytes(32);
public void GuidNewGuid() => Guid.NewGuid();
public void RegexCompiled() => s_phoneNumberRegex.IsMatch("555-867-5309");
Method | Job | Toolchain | Mean | Ratio |
EnumerateFiles | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 15,168,046.09 ns | 1.18 |
EnumerateFiles | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 5,671,803.02 ns | 0.43 |
EnumerateFiles | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 5,687,982.69 ns | 0.43 |
EnumerateFiles | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 5,486,062.11 ns | 0.41 |
EnumerateFiles | Clr | Default | 13,272,838.73 ns | 1.00 |
DeriveBytes | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 10,622,494.27 ns | 0.34 |
DeriveBytes | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 9,767,814.17 ns | 0.31 |
DeriveBytes | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 9,831,424.27 ns | 0.32 |
DeriveBytes | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 8,966,193.42 ns | 0.29 |
DeriveBytes | Clr | Default | 31,145,062.50 ns | 1.00 |
GuidNewGuid | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 95.62 ns | 1.01 |
GuidNewGuid | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 92.76 ns | 0.98 |
GuidNewGuid | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 93.39 ns | 0.99 |
GuidNewGuid | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 93.95 ns | 1.00 |
GuidNewGuid | Clr | Default | 94.32 ns | 1.00 |
RegexCompiled | Default | .NET Core 2.0 | 573.95 ns | 1.67 |
RegexCompiled | Default | .NET Core 2.1 | 326.02 ns | 0.95 |
RegexCompiled | Default | .NET Core 2.2 | 328.64 ns | 0.96 |
RegexCompiled | Default | .NET Core 3.0 | 302.92 ns | 0.88 |
RegexCompiled | Clr | Default | 343.54 ns | 1.00 |