A javascirpt bookmark which can help you download the videos from JoVE.com
Save the following script as a bookmark in your favorite browser. When you watch the video on jove.com, click this bookmark, a new tab which contains the video will pop up, then you can download it by 'save as' etc.
Tested with Chrome, Firefox & Safari on desktop devices and Safari on ios devices. Failed with Chrome on Android devices.
javascript:JoveScript=document.body.getElementsByTagName(“script”);for(i=0;i<JoveScript.length;i++){if(VideoUrl=JoveScript[i].textContent.match(/\d{4,}_[\w-]+_\d+_\w[\d]*_Web\.mp4/)){window.open(‘https://www.jove.com/CDNSource/protected/'+VideoUrl.toString(),'_blank'); break;}}
Can only be tested in China, Sry.
Known bugs: You can't download old videos on some pages because the URL patterns are different. Will fix it later.