This package allows you to generate an allure report. The allure report contains screenshots and errors from the browser console if the test fails.
The following packages must be installed in your project: jest
and puppeteer
And page
variable should be global variable.
npm install --save-dev jest-puppeteer-allure
Add to jest config:
reporters: ["default", "jest-puppeteer-allure"]
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['jest-puppeteer-allure/src/registerAllureReporter']
If you have your own setupTestFrameworkScriptFile file, you need to manually register reporter, for it you need add import:
import registerAllureReporter from 'jest-puppeteer-allure/src/registerAllureReporter';
You can add description, screenshots, steps, severity and lots of other fancy stuff to your reports.
Global variable reporter
available in your tests with such methods:
description(description: string): this;
severity(severity: Severity): this;
epic(epic: string): this;
feature(feature: string): this;
story(story: string): this;
startStep(name: string): this;
endStep(status?: Status): this;
addArgument(name: string): this;
addEnvironment(name: string, value: string): this;
addAttachment(name: string, buffer: any, type: string): this;
addLabel(name: string, value: string): this;
addParameter(paramName: string, name: string, value: string): this;
it('Test', async () => {
await page.goto('');
const screenshot = await page.screenshot();
reporter.addAttachment('Screenshot', screenshot, 'image/jpg');
If you use jest-image-snapshot then diff image attach to test report.
If you use WebStorm install Toolbox and open tests from report.