title: Freedom of Expression abbrev: hrpcex docname: draft-tenoever-hrpc-expression-00 category: info
ipr: trust200902 area: General workgroup: Human Rights Protocol Considerations Research Group keyword: Internet-Draft stand_alone: yes pi: rfcedstyle: yes toc: yes tocindent: yes sortrefs: yes symrefs: yes strict: yes comments: yes inline: yes text-list-symbols: -o*+
ins: N. ten Oever
name: Niels ten Oever
organization: ARTICLE 19
email: niels@article19.org
ins: G. Perez de Acha name: Gisela Perez de Acha organization: Derechos Digitales email: gisela@derechosdigitales.org
UDHR: title: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights date: 1948 author: org: United Nations General Assembly target: http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/
ICCPR: title: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights date: 1976 author: org: United Nations General Assembly target: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx
--- abstract
This documents maps the relationship between freedom of expression and Internet protocols and architecture and provides guidelines for protocol developers to take the impact of protocol and architecture decisions on human rights into account.
--- middle
As this draft concerns a research document, there are no security considerations.
This document has no actions for IANA.
The discussion list for the IRTF Human Rights Protocol Considerations Research Group is located at the e-mail address hrpc@ietf.org. Information on the group and information on how to subscribe to the list is at https://www.irtf.org/mailman/listinfo/hrpc
Archives of the list can be found at: https://www.irtf.org/mail-archive/web/hrpc/current/index.html