JavaSIM is an object-oriented simulation package based upon C++SIM and has been in use since 1997. It provides discrete event process-based simulation similar to SIMULA's simulation class and libraries. A complete list of the capabilities provided follows:
- The core of the system gives SIMULA-like simulation routines, random number generators, queueing algorithms and in C++SIM there are thread package interfaces, though for Java that's not necessary.
- Entity and set manipulation facilities similar to SIMSET.
- Classes allow "non-causal" events, such as interrupts, to be handled.
- Various routines for gathering statistics, such as histogram and variance classes.
The system also comes with complete examples and tests which illustrate many of the issues raised in using the simulation package.
Over the years C++SIM and JavaSim have been used by many commercial and academic organisations.
Prior to 2007 both C++SIM and JavaSim were freely available in source and binary from Newcastle University, under the University's own licence. However, in late 2007 Newcastle University decided that everything could be released into open source under LGPL. In 2015 the code was moved from Codehaus to github. All JIRAs from there were also recreated as github issues.
You can find details of the releases in the section as well as binary downloads for some releases.
To build:
mvn compile
Run tests:
mvn test
Run tests and create installation:
mvn install
To run the examples check the README in that directory.