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HLA-DPB1 Expression/TCE Suite

Table of Contents


This repository supports the annotation of HLA-DPB1 from reference data on the IPD-IMGT/HLA database via two models:

Model Background Reference data Papers
T-Cell Epitope (TCE) Amino acid motifs on the antigen-recognition domain (encoded by exon 2) that categorize the 1,800+ alleles into different TCE groups (1 - most immunogenic > 2 > 3 - least immunogenic). IPD-IMGT/HLA Crivello et al. 2015
Expression level Based off of the 3' UTR expression marker in high linkage disequilibrium with exon 3. Patients that have mismatched high expression alleles have higher risks for acute graft-versus-host disease. IPD-IMGT/HLA Petersdorf et al. 2015, Schöne et al. 2018, Petersdorf et al. 2020

There are several methods of accessing this information and annotating HLA-DPB1 alleles, genotypes, and recip-donor pairs.

Name Type Application
DPdb Python package Incorporation into other algorithms or scripts
DP microservice REST microservice Same as DPdb, but easier for integration with other programming languages or platforms.
DP tool Angular web interface No programming needed. For single-use, easy annotation via browser




To begin, ensure that you have Python3 installed. To check, issue this command to verify your python version:

python --version

If Python3 is not installed, please download it from here.

Virtual environment

If Python3 is readily available, set up your virtual environment by running these commands:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Pip is the package installer for Python. It comes pre-packaged with Python. This will be used to install our requirements as such:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Python package loading

Open a python instance.


Load the python package for annotation.

from hla_seq_db.hla_seq_db import HlaDB
dp_db = HlaDB(loci=['DPB1'], db_version='3540', verbose=True)




{'name': 'DPB1*01:AETTG',
 'tce': '3',
 'resolution': 'intermediate',
 'matched': False,
 'expr_level': '~high',
 'expr_annot_type': '~experimental',
 'alleles': [{'allele_expr': 'DPB1*01:01',
   'CIWD_TOTAL': 'C',
   'exon3_motif_ref': 'ACCACTC',
   'utr3_motif_ref': 'G',
   'tce': '3',
   'resolution': 'high',
   'expr_level': 'high',
   'experimental': True},
  {'allele_expr': 'DPB1*162:01',
   'CIWD_TOTAL': 'WD',
   'exon3_motif_ref': 'GTTGTCT',
   'utr3_motif_ref': 'A',
   'tce': '3',
   'resolution': 'high',
   'expr_level': 'low',
   'experimental': False},
  {'allele_expr': 'DPB1*417:01',
   'CIWD_TOTAL': 'WD',
   'exon3_motif_ref': 'ACCACTC',
   'utr3_motif_ref': 'unknown',
   'tce': '3',
   'resolution': 'high',
   'expr_level': 'high',
   'experimental': False}]}



  "allele_one": {
    "alleles": [
        "CIWD": "C",
        "allele_expr": "DPB1*01:01",
        "exon3_motif_ref": "ACCACTC",
        "experimental": true,
        "expr_level": "high",
        "resolution": "high",
        "tce": "3",
        "utr3_motif_ref": "G"
        "CIWD": "WD",
        "allele_expr": "DPB1*417:01",
        "exon3_motif_ref": "ACCACTC",
        "experimental": false,
        "expr_level": "high",
        "resolution": "high",
        "tce": "3",
        "utr3_motif_ref": "unknown"
    "expr_annot_type": "experimental",
    "expr_level": "high",
    "matched": false,
    "name": "DPB1*01:AETTA",
    "resolution": "intermediate",
    "tce": "3"
  "allele_two": {
    "alleles": [
        "CIWD": "C",
        "allele_expr": "DPB1*04:01",
        "exon3_motif_ref": "GTTGTCT/GTTGCCT/GTTATCT",
        "experimental": true,
        "expr_level": "low",
        "resolution": "high",
        "tce": "3/0",
        "utr3_motif_ref": "A"
        "CIWD": "C",
        "allele_expr": "DPB1*126:01",
        "exon3_motif_ref": "GTTGTCT",
        "experimental": false,
        "expr_level": "low",
        "resolution": "high",
        "tce": "3",
        "utr3_motif_ref": "A"
        "CIWD": "I",
        "allele_expr": "DPB1*350:01",
        "exon3_motif_ref": "ACCACTC",
        "experimental": false,
        "expr_level": "high",
        "resolution": "allelic",
        "tce": "3",
        "utr3_motif_ref": "unknown"
        "CIWD": "WD",
        "allele_expr": "DPB1*415:01",
        "exon3_motif_ref": "GTTGTCT",
        "experimental": false,
        "expr_level": "low",
        "resolution": "allelic",
        "tce": "3",
        "utr3_motif_ref": "A"
    "expr_annot_type": "~experimental",
    "expr_level": "~low",
    "matched": false,
    "name": "DPB1*04:AETTB",
    "resolution": "intermediate",
    "tce": "3"
  "genotype": "DPB1*01:AETTA+DPB1*04:AETTB"



dp_db.annotate_match('DPB1*04:01+DPB1*40:01', 'DPB1*40:01+DPB1*40:01').serialize()
® Result
  "directionality": "GvH",
  "genotype_donor": {
    "allele_one": {
      "alleles": null,
      "expr_annot_type": "experimental",
      "expr_level": "low",
      "matched": true,
      "name": "DPB1*40:01",
      "resolution": "high",
      "tce": "3"
    "allele_two": {
      "alleles": null,
      "expr_annot_type": "experimental",
      "expr_level": "low",
      "matched": true,
      "name": "DPB1*40:01",
      "resolution": "high",
      "tce": "3"
    "genotype": "DPB1*40:01+DPB1*40:01"
  "genotype_recipient": {
    "allele_one": {
      "alleles": null,
      "expr_annot_type": "experimental",
      "expr_level": "low",
      "matched": false,
      "name": "DPB1*04:01",
      "resolution": "high",
      "tce": "3"
    "allele_two": {
      "alleles": null,
      "expr_annot_type": "experimental",
      "expr_level": "low",
      "matched": true,
      "name": "DPB1*40:01",
      "resolution": "high",
      "tce": "3"
    "genotype": "DPB1*04:01+DPB1*40:01"
  "grade": "MA",
  "matched_alleles_don": [
  "matched_alleles_pat": [
  "mismatched_allele_pat_expr_level": "low",
  "mismatched_alleles_don": [],
  "mismatched_alleles_pat": [
  "tce_match": "Permissive"

DP microservice


To begin, ensure that you have Python3 installed. To check, issue this command to verify your python version:

python --version

If Python3 is not installed, please download it from here.

If Python3 is readily available, set up your virtual environment by running these commands:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Pip is the package installer for Python. It comes pre-packaged with Python. This will be used to install our requirements as such:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Once installed, behave will be available for testing and Flask will be available to set up the web service.


Initialize the web service via this command:


Once initialized, you may use the REST API endpoints.

REST → Representational State Transfer API → Application Programming Interface

For example, you can retrieve data from an endpoint by using cURL as shown below.


Running all the tests in this repository is as simple as running this command:


DP tool

This front-end graphical user interface (GUI) was created using Angular 8.


We will need to go into the web app project's root folder

cd webapp

Since our web application uses JavaScript (Angular 8), install Node.js (≥10.9) and npm (node package manager) here if npm is not a recognized command in your terminal.

Through npm, we can install our dependencies by running:

npm install

You can also install the Angular CLI (to run ng <command> as seen in the next section) via:

npm install -g @angular/cli


Once finished, ensure that the back-end REST server has been initialized on as detailed here.

And then run a local development server:

ng serve

The web application will now be available on

DP Tool Rest End Points Docker Container


The containerization is facilitated by Docker Container.

To be able to run Docker container, a docker set up and configuration is necessary. The installation details can be found in the official docker documentation.

Docker image build

To build the image, navigate to the directory where Dockerfile-flask is located Execute the comand (keep an eye on required "." at the end of the command)

docker build -t nmdpbioinformatics/dp-tool-backend:latest -f Dockerfile-flask .

Now the image should be built and available in the local docker registry

Docker container launch

To start a container form docker image (built in the last step) we need to execute the following command

docker run -d -p 5010:5010 nmdpbioinformatics/dp-tool-backend:latest

Upon successful execution a container id should comeout. We can see the container if it is up by executing

docker ps -a

That should show us if the container is up and running. If it is up then we should be able to navigate to http://localhost:5010/ to see the API landing page.

Stopping the running container

We have to obtain the container id by executing

docker ps -a

Then we have to execute

docker stop $CONTAINER_ID

DP Tool Web Application Docker Container

Webapp Docker Prerequisite

DP Tool Rest End Points Docker Container is up and runninng for the webapp container to be working properly (for build that is not necessary).

The containerization is facilitated by Docker Container.

To be able to run Docker container, a docker set up and configuration is necessary. The installation details can be found in the official docker documentation.

Webapp Docker image build

To build the image, navigate to the webapp directory where Dockerfile is located. We will need to go into the web app project's root folder using the following command

cd webapp

Execute the command below(keep an eye on required "." at the end of the command)

docker build --build-arg CONFIGURATION="" -t nmdpbioinformatics/dp-tool-ui-app -f Dockerfile-web .

Now the image should be built and available in the local docker registry.

Webapp Docker container launch

To start the webapp container form docker image (built in the last step) we need to execute the following command

docker run -d -p 80:80 -t nmdpbioinformatics/dp-tool-ui-app:latest

Upon successful execution a container id should comeout. We can see the container if it is up by executing by executing

docker ps -a

That should show us if the container is up and running. If it is up then we should be able to navigate to http://localhost:80/ to see the Web App landing page.

Stopping the running webapp container

We have to obtain the container id by executing

docker ps -a

Then we have to execute

docker stop $CONTAINER_ID

DP Tool Deployment With Docker Compose

Warning: This segment is designed for local development purpose, seperate docker-compose file configuration is needed be developed for production deployment with docker-compose. The app front end and back end both can be deployed using Docker Compose.

Deployment Prerequisite

Docker Compose have to be installed and docker registry have to contain the images a) be-the-match/dp-tool-ui-app and b) be-the-match/dp-tool-backend.

App Deployment

Simply execute the following command where docker-compose.yml file is located to deploy the application frontend and backend

docker-compose up -d

App Undeploy

To undeploy the app simply execute the following command where docker-compose.yml file is located

docker-compose down

DP Tool Production Deployment

The production deployment has two model, a) unified container model and b) segregated contaienrs model.

a) The unified container packes both the backend (python-flask-gunicorn) and front end (angular and nginx) into one docker docker images while during the runtime Nginx acts as an webserver for front end and reverse proxy for backend.

b) The segregated container deployment would provide independent scalling of backend and front end cluster should there be any need for it. Although the decoupling might be desireable under certain circumstances but this feature would require setting up an approprite network using docker compose or Kubernetes and are currently not available.

Unified Container Deployment

The production apiUrl should be adjusted with correct server in the file webapp/src/environments/

To build the docker image the following command may be executed in the project root directory:

docker build --build-arg CONFIGURATION="production" -t nmdpbioinformatics/dp-tool .

After successful build we should have the docker image available in our local docker registry.

To deploy the app now we can use the following command. The application should be available in your domain, i.e. http://host:80/

docker run -d -p 80:80 -t nmdpbioinformatics/dp-tool:latest

To stop the app container, We have to obtain the container id by executing

docker ps -a

Then we have to execute

docker stop $CONTAINER_ID

Decoupled Containers Deployment

This feature is under development now.