This is an example webserver for use with the nodetiles-core library, a fully-featured map rendering library for Node.js. This code is meant to be a convenient starting place for using Nodetiles to build a slippy-map — including Leaflet, Wax, and default asset/image routes — but is by no means only way to use the nodetiles-core library.
After downloading, be sure to install the dependencies (this may require installing cairo and pixman):
$ npm install
Then start the server:
$ node server.example.js
And visit the webpage: http://localhost:3000
This Nodetiles example can be easily configured by modifying the node.server.js
file; the map configuration starts around line 30
// Create the new map
var map = new nodetiles.Map();
// Add a datasource named 'world" from the countries.geojson file
map.addData(new GeoJsonSource({
name: "world",
path: __dirname + '/map/data/countries.geojson',
projection: "EPSG:900913"
// Add a 2nd geojson datasource
map.addData(new GeoJsonSource({
name: "example",
path: __dirname + '/map/data/example.geojson',
projection: "EPSG:4326"
// Link to your Mapnik style sheet
This data is then rendered into map tiles on-the-fly when the web map framework (Wax+Leaflet) make a GET request to the appropriate map tile URL: /:row/:column/:zoom.png
You can easily add new GeoJSON files… or PostGIS files via the PostGIS data connector:
connectionString: "tcp://postgres@localhost/postgis", // required
tableName: "ogrgeojson", // required
geomField: "wkb_geometry", // required
fields: "map_park_n, ogc_fid", // optional, speeds things up
name: "sf_parks", // optional, uses table name otherwise
projection: 900913, // optional, defaults to 4326
example data Natural Earth projected to 900913 with zipit