Docker image for theme development with Ghost 1.5+. Used by Ghost Base.
See Ghost Base for more details.
Create a docker-compose.yml
file with:
version: '3'
image: noiselabs/ghost-dev:latest
- "2368:2368"
- ./config/config.development.json:/var/lib/ghost/config.development.json
- ./content:/var/lib/ghost/content
- NODE_ENV=development
And start the dev
ghost-base $ docker-compose up dev
Creating ghostbase_dev_1 ...
Creating ghostbase_dev_1 ... done
Attaching to ghostbase_dev_1
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: posts
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: users
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: roles
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: roles_users
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: permissions
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: permissions_users
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: permissions_roles
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: permissions_apps
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: settings
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: tags
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: posts_tags
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: apps
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: app_settings
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: app_fields
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: clients
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: client_trusted_domains
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: accesstokens
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: refreshtokens
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: subscribers
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: invites
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Creating table: brute
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:04] INFO Model: Post
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:05] INFO Model: Tag
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:05] INFO Model: Client
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:05] INFO Model: Role
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:05] INFO Model: Permission
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:05] INFO Model: User
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:06] INFO Relation: Role to Permission
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:07] INFO Relation: Post to Tag
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:07] INFO Relation: User to Role
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:07] INFO Finished database migration!
dev_1 | [nodemon] 1.11.0
dev_1 | [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
dev_1 | [nodemon] watching: /var/lib/ghost/content/themes/**/*
dev_1 | [nodemon] starting `node current/index.js`
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:13] INFO Ghost is running in development...
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:13] INFO Listening on:
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:13] INFO Url configured as: http://localhost:2368/
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:13] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
dev_1 | [2017-08-08 17:58:13] INFO Ghost boot 5.415s
Your Ghost blog will now be running on http://localhost:2368/. Enjoy.
Building and pushing to the Docker Hub Registry
# To build:
# To build and push the updated image to the Docker Hub:
This project is licensed under the MIT License.