Clone this repository
(Optional but recommendend) Create a virtual environment from the root project and install the required python requirements in the newly created virtual environment
$ cd fullstack-rpi-app
$ python3 -m venv my_venv
$ source my_venv/bin/activate
(my_venv) $ pip3 install -r requirements_rpi.txt
Note that
- If you install this project on a raspberry pi - use
- If you would like to try this app out on your computer (not a raspberry pi) - use
- Spin up the server using the following command:
(my_venv) $ python server.py
- Launch the app in a browser using the following url:
Note that
- If you are running the app on your computer (not a raspberry pi), random data will be shown on the app
- (Optional) you can deactivate the virtual environment using the following command:
(my_venv) $ deactivate