This project contains projects for the Deep Learning Nanodegree Program
- See the SYLLABUS (Downloaded on 11/24/19) for more details about the Nanodegree contents and projects
- See this GitHub repository for the project and labs setups and boiler plates
Skills: Basic Neural Network
Skills: Transfer Learning
Before starting working on the Project 2: Dog Breed Classifier, I spent a weekend to apply the 'Style Transfer' algorithm to create a "Thai Modern Artwork". See more details in
- My medium post - (Style Transfer) How to create a "Thai Modern Artwork" without artistic skills
- github repository for this project
Skills: Transfer Learning
Skills: Recurrent Neural Network with LSTM
Skills: DCGAN (Deep Convolutional Generative Advisorial Network)
Skills: Amazon SageMaker
All contents in this project is a part of my completed projects for the Deep Learning Nanodegree Program and must give credit to Udacity.
This project is MIT licensed.