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Consistent hashing is a scheme that provides hash table functionality in a way that the addition or removal of one slot does not significantly change the mapping of keys to slots. In contrast, in most traditional hash tables, a change in the number of array slots causes nearly all keys to be remapped. By using consistent hashing, only K/n keys need to be remapped on average, where K is the number of keys, and n is the number of slots.

CHash is Dailymotion's implementation of consistent hashing, available as a light and fast C library (both static and shared objects provided), with PHP and Python bindings.

Useful pointers

Below are some useful pointers pertaining to consistent hashing in general and the CHash implementation in particular:

Compilation and installation

C libraries

The base C libraries are generated by invoking the following commands:

git clone git://
cd chash/library

The corresponding Debian packages (libchash1 and libchash-dev) are then generated by invoking the following command:

make deb

Installing the generated packages is performed via the following commands (where is either i386 or amd64):

cd ..
sudo dpkg -i libchash1_1.0.0_<arch>.deb
sudo dpkg -i libchash-dev_1.0.0_<arch>.deb

Please note that the packages will only be generated if the C libraries unitary tests pass successfully.

PHP extension

The PHP extension is generated by invoking the following commands:

git clone git://
cd chash/php
sudo make -f Makefile.chash

The corresponding Debian package (php5-chash) is then generated by invoking the following command:

sudo make -f Makefile.chash deb

Installing the generated package is performed via the following commands (where is either i386 or amd64):

cd ..
sudo dpkg -i php5-chash_1.0.0_<arch>.deb

Please note that the packages will only be generated if the PHP extension unitary tests pass successfully.

Python extension



General usage

The C API evolves around a unique structure (CHASH_CONTEXT) and a bunch of functions performing action on that structure (mimicking an object-oriented behavior) . To use this API, you must first include libchash.h, declare an instance of the CHASH_CONTEXT structure, initialize it (using chash_initialize) then use the various functions as needed. The final compiled code must be linked to the libchash.a or library (you'll probably need to pass the -lchash option to your linker).

A very basic example is provided below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <libchash.h>

int main()
    CHASH_CONTEXT context;
    char          *target;

    chash_initialize(&context, 0);
    chash_add_target(&context, "target001", 1);
    chash_add_target(&context, "target002", 1);
    chash_add_target(&context, "target003", 1);
    chash_add_target(&context, "target004", 1);
    chash_add_target(&context, "target005", 1);
    chash_lookup_balance(&context, "candidate001", 3, &target);
    printf("%s\n", target);
    chash_terminate(&context, 0);
    return 0;

Assuming the above example code was saved under sample.c, it can be compiled using the following command:

gcc -Wall -O3 sample.c -o sample -lchash

Error codes

Most of the C API functions return an error code (a negative integer) when an error occurs. The list of the possible values and their meaning is provided below:

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE (0) The function executed properly.

  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY (-1) A memory allocation error occurred.

  • CHASH_ERROR_IO (-2) A file I/O error occurred.

  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (-10) An invalid parameter was provided.

  • CHASH_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED (-11) The context is already initialized.

  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED (-12) The requested action cannot be performed because the context was not properly initialized.

  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND (-13) The requested data cannot be found.

Functions list

int chash_initialize(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, u_char *force)


Initialize the given context for future use. This function MUST be called before using the context with other library functions (a CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED error will be returned otherwise).


  • context: pointer to a pre-declared context
  • force: reserved for internal use only, always 0

Return value

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE: context was successfully initialized|
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function|
  • CHASH_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED: the context was previously initialized and the force parameter is 0 (use chash_terminate() first)|

int chash_terminate(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, u_char force)


Release the given context (freeing allocated memory as needed). This function MUST be called when the context is no longer used (memory leaks may occur otherwise).


  • context: pointer to an initialized context
  • force: reserved for internal use only, always 0

Return value

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE: context was successfully terminated
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: the context was not previously initialized and the force parameter is 0 (use chash_initialize() first)

int chash_add_target(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, const char *name, u_char weight)


Add a new target to the given context. If the target already exists, its weight is updated according to the weight parameter.


  • context:pointer to an initialized context
  • name: NULL-terminated target name
  • weight: target weight (between 0 and 100)

Return value

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE: target was successfully added
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: the context was not initialized (use chash_initialize() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred

int chash_remove_target(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, const char *name)


Remove a target from the given context.


  • context: pointer to an initialized context
  • name: NULL-terminated target name

Return value

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE: target was successfully removed
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: the context was not initialized (use chash_initialize() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: the specified target does not exist in the given context

int chash_clear_targets(CHASH_CONTEXT *context)


Clear all targets from the given context.


  • context: pointer to an initialized context

Return value

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE: all targets were successfully removed
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: the context was not initialized (use chash_initialize() first)

int chash_targets_count(CHASH_CONTEXT *context)


Return the number of targets in the given context.


  • context: pointer to an initialized context

Return value

  • n: when successful, number of targets
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: the context was not initialized (use chash_initialize() first)

int chash_serialize(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, u_char **output)


Serialize the given context state into an opaque buffer (the context state can be restored by passing this buffer back to chash_unserialize()).


  • context: pointer to an initialized context
  • output: allocated serialized data (this data MUST be freed using the free() function when no longer used, memory leaks may occur otherwise)

Return value

  • n: when successful, size in bytes of the serialized data
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: the context was not initialized (use chash_initialize() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no target exist in the given context (use chash_add_target() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred

int chash_unserialize(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, const u_char *input, u_int32_t size)


Restore a previously serialized context state (using chash_serialize()).


  • context: pointer to an initialized context
  • input: serialized data (generated using chash_serialize())
  • size: serialized data size in bytes

Return value

  • n: when successful, number of items in the newly restored continuum
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no target exist in the serialized data (i.e. the serialized data is not coherent)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred

int chash_file_serialize(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, const char *path)


Serialize the given context state into a file (the context state can be restored by passing this file path back to chash_file_unserialize()).


  • context: pointer to an initialized context
  • path: path of the file to which the context state will be saved

Return value

  • n: when successful, size in bytes of the serialized data
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: the context was not initialized (use chash_initialize() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no target exist in the given context (use chash_add_target() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred
  • CHASH_ERROR_IO: an I/O error occurred (i.e. the given file path couldn't be written to)

int chash_file_unserialize(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, const char *path)


Restore a previously serialized context state (using chash_file_serialize()).


  • context: pointer to an initialized context
  • path: path of the file from which the context state will be restored

Return value

  • n: when successful, number of items in the newly restored continuum
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no target exist in the serialized data (i.e. the serialized data is not coherent)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred
  • CHASH_ERROR_IO: an I/O error occurred (i.e. the given file path couldn't be read from)

int chash_lookup(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, const char *name, u_int16_t count, char ***output)


Perform a lookup in the given context, returning count distincts targets.


  • context: pointer to an initialized context
  • name: NULL-terminated candidate name
  • count: desired targets count
  • output: matching targets list (read-only array, MUST not be modified by calling code)

Return value

  • n: when successful, count of returned matching targets
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: the context was not initialized (use chash_initialize() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no target exist in the given context (use chash_add_target() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred

int chash_lookup_balance(CHASH_CONTEXT *context, const char *name, u_int16_t count, char **output)


Behave like chash_lookup() but only one randomly chosen target is returned among the count distinct targets.


  • context: pointer to an initialized context
  • name: NULL-terminated candidate name
  • count: desired targets count
  • output: randomly chosen target (read-only value, MUST not be modified by calling code)

Return value

  • 1: when successful, count of returned matching targets (always 1 for this function)
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: the context was not initialized (use chash_initialize() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no target exist in the given context (use chash_add_target() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred


General usage

The PHP API is more or less mapped onto and modelled after the C API (see above). An exact equivalent of the basic C example would be:

$chash = new CHash();
        'target001' => 1,
        'target002' => 1,
        'target003' => 1,
        'target004' => 1,
        'target005' => 1
print $chash->lookupBalance('candidate001', 3) . "\n";

Error codes

The error codes from the C API are available verbatim the PHP extension. Because the initialization and termination of the C API context structure is performed by the PHP Zend object management functions, the CHASH_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED and CHASH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED will never occur in the PHP extension. The list of the possible values and their meaning is provided below:

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE (0) The function executed properly.

  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY (-1) A memory allocation error occurred.

  • CHASH_ERROR_IO (-2) A file I/O error occurred.

  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (-10) An invalid parameter was provided.

  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND (-13) The requested data cannot be found.


In addition to methods returning error codes, exceptions are thrown by the PHP extension should an error occur. The list of the possible exceptions and their meaning is provided below (the original error code is stored in the exception code value):

  • CHashMemoryException A memory allocation error occurred.

  • CHashIOException A file I/O error occurred.

  • CHashInvalidParameterException An invalid parameter was provided.

  • CHashNotFoundException The requested data cannot be found.

Note: the exceptions mode is activated by default, use the useExceptions() method below to disable it.

Methods list

  • bool useExceptions(bool $use)


Enable or disable exceptions mode.


  • $use: whether or not to use exceptions

Return value

  • true | false: exceptions mode status

int addTarget(string $target[, int $weight])


Add a new target to the context. If the target already exists, its weight is updated according to the weight parameter.


  • $target: target name
  • $weight: optional target weight (between 0 and 100, 1 if not specified)

Return value

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE: target was successfully added
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the method
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred

int removeTarget(string $target)


Remove a target from the context.


  • $target: target name

Return value

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE: target was successfully removed
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the method|
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: the specified target does not exist in the given context

int setTargets(array $targets)


Behave like addTarget(), except multiple targets can be set in a single call and existing targets are discarded.


  • $targets: associative array of targets (keys are targets names, values are targets weights)

Return value

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE: target was successfully added
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the method
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred

int clearTargets()


Clear all targets from the context.

Return value

  • CHASH_ERROR_DONE: all targets were successfully removed

int getTargetsCount()


Return the number of targets in the context.

Return value

  • int: number of targets

string serialize()


Serialize the context state into an opaque string (the context state can be restored by passing this string back to unserialize()).

Return value

  • string: when successful, non empty string
  • '': when not successful, empty string

int unserialize(string $serialized)


Restore a previously serialized context state (using serialize()).


  • $serialized: serialized data (generated using serialize())

Return value

  • int: when successful, number of items in the newly restored continuum
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the method
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no target exist in the serialized data (i.e. the serialized data is not coherent)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred

int serializeToFile(string $path)


Serialize the given context state into a file (the context state can be restored by passing this file path back to unserializeFromFile()).


  • $path: path of the file to which the context state will be saved

Return value

  • int: when successful, size in bytes of the serialized data
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the method
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no target exist in the given context (use addTarget() or setTargets() first)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred
  • CHASH_ERROR_IO: an I/O error occurred (i.e. the given file path couldn't be written to)

int unserializeFromFile(string $path)


Restore a previously serialized context state (using serializeToFile()).


  • $path: path of the file from which the context state will be restored

Return value

  • int: when successful, number of items in the newly restored continuum
  • CHASH_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: an invalid parameter was passed to the function
  • CHASH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no target exist in the serialized data (i.e. the serialized data is not coherent)
  • CHASH_ERROR_MEMORY: a memory allocation error occurred
  • CHASH_ERROR_IO: an I/O error occurred (i.e. the given file path couldn't be read from)

array lookupList(string $candidate[, int $count])


Perform a lookup, returning count distincts targets.


  • $candidate: candidate name
  • $count: desired targets count (1 if not specified)

Return value

  • array: when successful, array of matching targets names
  • []: when not successful, empty array

string lookupBalance(string $candidate[, int $count])


Behave like lookupList() but only one randomly chosen target is returned among the count distinct targets.


  • $candidate: candidate name
  • $count: desired targets count (1 if not specified)

Return value

  • string: when successful, randomly chosen target name
  • '': when not successful, empty string

Python API



Very fast consistent hashing library







No packages published


  • C 71.6%
  • Python 17.2%
  • PHP 7.1%
  • Shell 2.1%
  • Makefile 2.0%