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This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

Navigate to the Environment dashboard in Noop Workshop and toggle the Active switch.

Clicking the endpoint link from the Environment dashboard will load the app in your browser.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Static Variation

To create an deployment of a Static build, first set the output configuration to 'export' in the next.config.mjs file.

Then, uncomment the static component in the .noop/blueprint.yaml file:

  - name: NextStatic
    type: static
    image: node:20-alpine
        - copy: [package.json, package-lock.json]
        - run: npm ci
        - copy: [next.config.mjs, tsconfig.json]
        - copy: public/
        - copy: src/
        - run: npm run build
        - directory: .next/
  - target:
      component: NextStatic # NOTE: updated name here

Finally comment out or remove the Service config:

  # - name: NextSite
  #   type: service
  #   image: node:20-alpine
  #   port: 3000
  #   build:
  #     # 👇 intentional/selective ordering of 'copy' and 'run' steps
  #     # will make it possible to take advantage of cached build
  #     # layers in Noop Workshop (TLDR - speedier subsequent builds!)
  #     steps:
  #       - directory: /app
  #       # first copy over dependency files and install...
  #       - copy: [package.json, package-lock.json]
  #       - run: npm ci
  #       # ...then copy over project files before generating build assets.
  #       - copy: [next.config.mjs, tsconfig.json]
  #       - copy: public/
  #       - copy: src/
  #       - run: npm run build
  #       - run: ls .next
  #       # A multi-stage build reduces the overall size of the resulting build.
  #       # A smaller build can result in speedier deployments on Noop Cloud.
  #       - image: node:20-alpine
  #         stage: runner
  #       # Following Dockerfile used as reference for assets to copy over into
  #       # `runner` stage when Next.js's `standalone` output mode is enabled:
  #       #
  #       - directory: /app
  #       - copy: /app/public
  #         destination: ./public
  #         from: main
  #       - run: mkdir .next
  #       - copy: /app/.next/standalone
  #         destination: ./
  #         from: main
  #       - copy: /app/.next/static
  #         destination: ./.next/static
  #         from: main
  #   runtime:
  #     command: node server.js
  #     variables:
  #       NODE_ENV: "production"
  #       HOSTNAME: ""
  #       PORT: "3000"

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Deploy on Noop

The same exact config that works for local development also works in Noop Cloud. To deploy on Noop, simply connect your repository and choose a deployment trigger.


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