Journey is a mobile application-based platform developed to enhance job opportunities for people with disabilities in Indonesia. The app provides an accessible and user-friendly platform for both job seekers and employers, leveraging smart algorithms to match candidates with suitable employment opportunities. Built with Jetpack Compose.
- Multi User Authentication: Sign in as Job Seeker or Job Provider, easy switch account.
- Vacancies Recommendation: Get vacancies recommendation based on your disability with Machine Learning.
- WhatsApp Notification: Stay in the loop with instant updates on the progress of your job application.
- Apply Job Vacancy: Easily apply for job vacancies with a single click.
- Journey Assistant: AI with Gemini to empowering your career path.
- Kotlin - Programming Language
- Jetpack Compose - UI Toolkit
- Dagger Hilt - Dependency Injection
- Retrofit - Network
- OkHttp - HTTP client
- Room Database - Local Database
- Paging 3 with Remote Mediator - Display Data from Room or over a Network
- Worker Manager - Download File Worker
- Firebase Cloud Messaging - Notification
Multi-Module Architecture
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)