git-goggles is a git management utilities that allows you to manage your source code as it evolves through its development lifecycle.
This project accomplishes two things:
- Manage the code review state of your branches
- Gives a snapshot of the where your local branches are vs origin in terms of being ahead / behind on commits
There is a nice blog post describing the features along with screenshots at
In the table outputted by git-goggles, each row corresponds to a branch, with the following fields:
Status: the current status of your branch
- new: this is a branch that has never been through the review process
- review: this branch has code that needs to be reviewed
- merge: everything has been reviewed, but needs to be merged into parent (same as done for being ahead)
- done: reviewed and merged (doens't matter if you're behind but you can't be ahead)
Branch: the branch name
Review: how many commits have taken place since the last review
Ahead: how many commits are in your local branch that are not in origin
Behind: how many commits are in origin that are not in your local branch
Pull & Push: whether your branches need to be pushed or pulled to track origin
- green checkbox: you don't need to pull
- red cross: you need to pull
- question mark: you either don't have a checked out copy of this branch or you need to prune your local tree
Modified: the last time that HEAD was modified (NOT the last time the review happened)
To install from PyPi you should run one of the following commands. (If you use pip for your package installation, you should take a look!)
pip install git-goggles
easy_install git-goggles
Checkout the project from github
git clone git://
Run as root
cd git-goggles sudo python install
Documentation: With Sphinx docs deployment: in the docs/ directory, type:
make html
Then open docs/_build/index.html
Viewing the status of your branches:
git goggles
Starting your review process (shows an origin diff):
git goggles codereview
Complete your review process (automatically pushes up):
git goggles codereview complete
You can set a few configuration variables to alter to way git-goggles works out of the box.
Disable automatic fetching from all remote servers.
git config --global gitgoggles.fetch false
Disable colorized output
git config --global gitgoggles.colors false
Alter the symbols used to display success, failure, unknown states
git config --global gitgoggles.icons.success "OK" git config --global gitgoggles.icons.failure "FAIL" git config --global gitgoggles.icons.unknown "N/A"
Alter the colors of branch states. The available colors are [grey, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white]
git config --global gitgoggles.colors.local cyan git config --global red git config --global red git config --global gitgoggles.colors.merge yellow git config --global gitgoggles.colors.done green
Alter the width of branch column to turn on wordwrap.
git config --global gitgoggles.table.branch-width 15
Alter the table cell padding (defaults to 0)
git config --global gitgoggles.table.left-padding 1 git config --global gitgoggles.table.right-padding 1
Alter the display of horizontal rule between rows of table (default false)
git config --global gitgoggles.table.horizontal-rule true
git-goggles works by creating and managing special tags called 'codereview-<branch_name>' and tracking them against HEAD.
The first time a codereview is completed, the tag is created. Subsequent reviews delete and re-create the tag so that it awlays accurately tracks HEAD.