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Assigned Fulfillment Orders

Joshua Harms edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 1 revision

Assigned Fulfillment Orders

The AssignedFulfillmentOrder resource allows you to retrieve all the fulfillment orders that are assigned to an app at the shop level.

Listing assigned fulfillment orders

Retrieves a list of fulfillment orders on a shop for a specific app.

var service = new AssignedFulfillmentOrderService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);

//Optionally filter the list to only those assigned fulfillments with a specific status
var filterStatus = new AssignedFulfillmentOrderFilter()
    AssignmentStatus = "fulfillment_requested"

var assignedFulfillments = await service.ListAsync(filterStatus);

Cancellation Requests

The CancellationRequest resource represents a cancellation request made by the merchant or an order management app to a fulfillment service for a fulfillment order.

Create A Cancellation Request

Send a cancellation request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order.

var service = new CancellationRequestService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentOrder = await service.CreateAsync(fulfillmentOrderId, "The customer changed his mind.");

Accept A Cancellation Request

Accept a cancellation request sent to a fulfillment service for a fulfillment order.

var service = new CancellationRequestService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentOrder = await service.AcceptAsync(fulfillmentOrderId, "We had not started any processing yet.");

Reject A Cancellation Request

Reject a cancellation request sent to a fulfillment service for a fulfillment order.

var service = new CancellationRequestService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentOrder = await service.AcceptAsync(fulfillmentOrderId, "We have already sent the shipment out.");

Fulfillment Events

The FulfillmentEvent resource represents tracking events that belong to a fulfillment of one or more items in an order.

Creates a fulfillment event

Creates a new FulfillmentEvent on the fulfillment.

var service = new FulfillmentEventService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentEvent = new FulfillmentEvent()
    OrderId = 1234532,
    FulfillmentId = 156185165,
    Status = "confirmed"

fulfillmentEvent = await service.CreateAsync(orderId, fulfillmentId, fulfillmentEvent);

List fulfillment events

Retrieves a list of fulfillment events for a specific fulfillment

var service = new FulfillmentEventService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentEvents = await service.ListAsync(orderId, fulfillmentId);

Get a Fulfillment Event

Retrieves a specific fulfillment event

var service = new FulfillmentEventService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentEvent = await service.GetAsync(orderId, fulfillmentId, fulfillmentEventId);

Delete A Fulfillment Event

var service = new FulfillmentEventService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
await service.DeleteAsync(orderId, fulfillmentId, fulfillmentEventId);


Fulfillment Orders

The FulfillmentOrder resource represents either an item or a group of items in an order that are to be fulfilled from the same location. There can be more than one fulfillment order for an order at a given location.


  • Cancel a fulfillment order
  • Mark a fulfillment order as incomplete
  • Move a fulfillment order to a new location
  • Mark the fulfillment order as open
  • Reschedule the fulfill_at time of a scheduled fulfillment order
  • Retrieve a specific fulfillment order

List Fulfillment Orders

Retrieves a list of fulfillment orders for a specific order

var service = new FulfillmentOrderService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentOrders = await service.ListAsync(orderId);

Fulfillment Requests

The FulfillmentRequest resource represents a fulfillment request made by the merchant to a fulfillment service for a fulfillment order.

Create A Fulfillment Request

Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order

var service = new FulfillmentRequestService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);

// Optionally, you can request only specific item to fulfilled.
var fulfillmentRequest = new FulfillmentRequest()
    FulfillmentRequestOrderLineItems = new List<FulfillmentRequestOrderLineItems>(){}
var fulfillmentOrder = await service.CreateAsync(fulfillmentOrderId, fulfillmentRequest);

Accept A Fulfillment Request

Accepts a fulfillment request sent to a fulfillment service for a fulfillment order

var service = new FulfillmentRequestService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentOrder = await service.AcceptAsync(fulfillmentOrderId, "Your order will be filled shortly.");

Reject A Fulfillment Request

Reject a fulfillment request sent to a fulfillment service for a fulfillment order

var service = new FulfillmentRequestService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentOrder = await service.AcceptAsync(fulfillmentOrderId, "Fulfillment services have been suspended for this store.");

Fulfillment Services

A Fulfillment Service is a third party warehouse that prepares and ships orders on behalf of the store owner. Fulfillment services charge a fee to package and ship items and update product inventory levels. Some well known fulfillment services with Shopify integrations include: Amazon, Shipwire, and Rakuten. When an app registers a new FulfillmentService on a store, Shopify automatically creates a Location that's associated to that fulfillment service.

Create a Fulfillment Service

var service = new FulfillmentServiceService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentService = await service.CreateAsync(new FulfillmentServiceEntity()
    Name = "Your Company Name", 
    CallbackUrl = "", 
    InventoryManagement = true,
    TrackingSupport = true,
    FulfillmentOrdersOptIn = true,
    RequiresShippingMethod = true, 
    Format = "json"

List Fulfillment Services

Retrieves a list of fulfillment orders for a specific order

var service = new FulfillmentServiceService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
// Optional Filter
var filter = new FulfillmentServiceListFilter(){ Scope = "all"};
var fulfillmentServices = await service.ListAsync(filter);

Get a Fulfillment Service

Retrieves a single Fulfillment Service

var service = new FulfillmentServiceService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
// Optional Filter
var fields = "id,name,email";
var fulfillmentService = await service.GetAsync(fulfillmentServiceId, fields);

Modify a Fulfillment Service

Update a Fulfillment Service. Not all fields are updatable

var service = new FulfillmentServiceService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentService = await service.UpdateAsync(fulfillmentServiceId, fulfillmentServiceEntity);

Delete a Fulfillment Service

var service = new FulfillmentServiceService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var fulfillmentService = await service.DeleteAsync(fulfillmentServiceId);

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