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Joshua Harms edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 1 revision


API version 2020-01 introduces the new "Collections" endpoint, which can be used to get the base details and list of products associated with either a Custom Collection or Smart Collection.

This endpoint cannot be used to manipulate the products, collects, custom collections or smart collections. You must use the entity's respective ShopifySharp service to do that (i.e. CollectService, ProductService, CustomCollectionService and SmartCollectionService).

Getting a Collection

var service = new CollectionService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var collection = await service.GetAsync(collectionId);

Listing products belonging to a Collection

var service = new CollectionService(myShopifyUrl, shopAccessToken);
var products = await service.ListAsync(collectionId);
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