My rendition of, a web application that provides airline booking service. The service has been created with Outside-In testing using Behavior Driven Development methodology.
The goal of creating this pet project is to learn various technologies in different spaces.
Technologies/Frameworks/Libraries used:
Do Agile software development as it was meant to be done!
Serenity is an open source library that helps you write higher quality automated acceptance tests faster. Visit:
Serenity internally uses JBehave stories for creating executable specifications. Visit:
Selenium automates browsers. That's it! Visit:
Consuming REST webservice for testing web application Visit:
No words to describe the awesomeness! Used it with TypeScript Visit:
It is a savior that generates templates for everything. Saves a lot of time! Visit:
Using bootstrap components in Angular 2 Visit:
Integration testing of Spring boot web service Visit:
Why not take unit testing at a new level with Spock, a testing library written in Groovy. What makes it stand out from the crowd is its beautiful and highly expressive specification language. Given, When, Then flow. Visit:
Takes an opinionated view of building production-ready Spring applications. Spring Boot favors convention over configuration and is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible. Visit:
A fun NoSQL database with JSON and Javascript in data tier. Visit:
npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry. Discover packages of reusable code — and assemble them in powerful new ways. Visit:
I so thought of using gradle but already I was boggled with so many new technologies that I preferred not to :) Visit:
Well that is it for now!