NAP Results Reporting with web data browser
Please note this is a work in progress....
Release contains:
reporting sub-system,
report generators for csv reports,
web data browser for results data.
Package comes with a full results reporting dataset extract for 4 schools, which is ingested on first running the application.
When application runs data is streamed from the data file in the /in directory and processed onto the reporting sub-system.
Report generators are then run to produce csv extracts of the data in the /out folder
This contains aggregate reports at the top level for all report types (score summaries, domain scores, participation and code-frame)
a directory for each school is also created under the /out folder, with each subfolder named according to the ASL id (accra id) of the school. Each of these also contains the reports for each school.
The code-frame report is only generated at the top level as is is about the test not about an individual school.
To run the application and populate it from the sample file, simply navigate to the installation folder in a console or terminal and run naprr.exe or ./naprr if linux/windows.
Once data has been read and reports generated, the console will announce that the web services are being launched.
To browse the data using the web ui, open a browser and navigate to:
close the application in the console with Ctrl+C
(launch and shutdown scripts/batch files will be provided later).
If you want to re-run the application to use the browser, there's no need to re-load the data (the longest operation) if it hasn't changed.
For this situation launch the application with the command line flag -rewrite, and only the regeneration and web server launch will take place.
This allows changing of the report formats by editing the templates and then regenerating without the need to reload data, but also saves time if you just want to start the web data browser.
Graphs in domain scores ui not always correctly drawing score location in bands, to be fixed - main purpose of naprr however is to surface richness of dataset, hopefully developers can use the reporting sub-system apis to create their own visualisations.