A framework for DVS event streams manipulation and contour-based areas real-time detection and tracking, using SpiNN-3 Neuromorphic platform.
This repository contains the code used in my thesis, Multicopter control using dynamic vision and neuromorphic computing which can be found here. The code is abstractly divided in the following categories.
- Scripts to manipulate aedat files (event streams recorded by event cameras e.g. DVS).
- Development of a contour-based areas real-time detection and tracking framework with
- an SNN + jupyter notebooks (offline operation & tuning).
- an SNN + ROS nodes written in C++ (real-time operation in embedded PC).
The formulation and detailed explanation of the various modules in this framework can be found in the thesis document. Please read this prior to proceeding on this repository, to have a better understanding of the code.
If you are interested in the interfacing of the DVS to SpiNN-3, using a custom FPGA design see the spinn_aer_if repository.
Clone the repository in your home folder and cd into it
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/ntouev/ev_snn_percept
cd ev_snn_percept
Clone the AedatTools repository which contains tools for manipulating .aedat files, in Matlab and Python (only the Matlab scripts are used here).
git clone https://github.com/qiaokaki/AedatTools
and move the contents of matlab_scripts/ directory in AedatTools/Matlab/
mv matlab_scripts/* AedatTools/Matlab/
These scripts build a functionality on top of the initial repository. Now, directory matlab_scripts/ can be removed.
rm -r matlab_scripts
Populate aedat2/ directory with your recorded .aedat files.
Important! A complete workflow is demonstrated, below, using the aedat2/sample_pavement.aedat file as the input event stream file. In the general case, change the "sample_pavement" naming, when present, using the name of your file, accordingly.
Build the following directory tree for your aedat file, i.e. aedat2/sample_pavement.
mkdir -p binary/sample_pavement/csv
mkdir -p binary/sample_pavement/json
mkdir -p binary/sample_pavement/png
mkdir -p binary/sample_pavement/vis_annot
It takes as input the aedat2/sample_pavement.aedat file. It creates frames, by accumulating events for a given dt, which are then stored in binary/sample_pavement/csv/ directory, in a csv format (practically, a 128x128 matrix of 0(no event), 1(ON), -1(OFF) values).
It receives the aedat2/sample_pavement.aedat input file and extracts its contents in a csv format {x, y, timestamp (sec), polarity} in CSVs/sample_pavement.csv file.
An event rate limiting can be applied to the initial aedat (e.g. to simulate the output of a real system where the event rate is limited due to a bandwidth bottleneck). To use it, comment out the default piece of code and uncomment the commented one.
It converts a csv file (with the format mentioned above) to a .aedat file.
No specific use here.
- Install labelme and opencv
sudo apt install labelme
sudo apt install python3-opencv
Using labelme you can manually annotate the detected contour in the previously generated frames (binary/sample_pavement/csv/) by the manip.m script. Labelme is a tool to label 2D shapes in an image. The detection algorithm of this framework, however, detects lines. To allign in our case, label the line that represents the contour-based area using 3 points. The first two placed at the start and the end of the line while the third should match the first one. The annotations are extracted in numpy format in binary/sample_pavement/annot_pav.npy file and the visualization under binary/sample_pavement/vis_annot/ directory.
- Install PyNN on SpiNNaker and familiarize with SpiNNaker board.
- Create a directory to store the training outcome.
mkdir -p spinnaker/sample_pavement
This script takes as input the CSVs/sample_pavement.csv file. It parses the file and generates the appropriate structure that will later feed the events, in simulation, just if it was a real-time input. The user defines the SNN's dimensions and weights. The architecture is described in Chapter 3 of the thesis. Then the SNN is loaded into SpiNNaker and as soon as the simulation is over, the script outputs a png and a numpy file that contains the timestamped spikes of the planar population. The png file serves as a visualization/validation tool of the output while the numpy file is the input to the next module, the tracking algorithm. The names of the output files contain all the information of the user set parameters.
This script receives the SNN output numpy file and runs the tracking algorithm using the parameters provided by the user. It outputs the results in a subdirectory of spinnaker/sample_pavement/. The name of this subdirectory contains all the user defined parameters (SNN + tracking algorithm).
The outcome is 2 numpy files containing timestamped contour detections and extracted features, 2 png files comparing annotated-predicted r and theta values, and visualization (frames) of the detected pavement together with its corresponding ON and OFF clusters.
Directory ROS_code/ contains the code of the C++ version of the framework. It is not a complete package, it just contains the code. Follow the steps below to build the appropriate package.
- Download the Visualiser repository provided by the Manchester Group inside the parent directory, ~/ev_snn_percept/. This provides a C++ API for the development of the callback function (of the output population) instead of the default Python one. Its use is crucial in order to achieve a latency lower than 1 msec.
git clone https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/Visualiser.git
To gain some intuition about the use of the Visualiser repository and its lower level logic look at the Visualiser/spynnaker_external_device_lib/ directory. This includes some examples that send and receive spikes during simulation.
- OpenCV needs to be installed in your system (Done in previous step).
Now create a new ROS package using a name of your preference. Modify the "package_name", where present in the code, with your package name.
Move the source and messages files from ROS_code/src/ and ROS_code/msg/ respectively into your package.
Add the contents below to your package.xml file,
and this code in your CMakeLists.txt.
set(OpenCV_DIR "/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/cmake/opencv4") # add this line if the find_package can not locate opencv; assumes ARM architecture
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime
add_executable(live_output src/live_output.cpp src/receiver_if.cpp)
# ARM architecture is assumed for the libraries below
target_link_libraries(live_output ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ~/ev_snn_percept/Visualiser/spynnaker_external_device_lib/libspynnaker_external_device_lib.a /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libsqlite3.so)
add_dependencies(live_output ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
add_executable(tracker src/tracker.cpp)
target_link_libraries(tracker ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_dependencies(tracker ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
add_executable(featurer src/featurer.cpp)
target_link_libraries(featurer ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_dependencies(featurer ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
add_executable(visualizer src/visualizer.cpp)
target_link_libraries(visualizer ${OpenCV_LIBS} ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_dependencies(visualizer ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
Now build the package. Four nodes should be generated:
- live_output: Receives spikes from the output population and publishes them as Spike.msg messages in /spike topic.
- tracker: Subscribes to /spike topic, implements the tracking algorithm and publishes LinePolar.msg messages (the tracked contour) in /det_pav topic.
- featurer: Subscribes to /det_pav topic, implements the feature extraction algorithm and publishes Feature.msg messages in /feat topic.
- visualizer: Subscribes to /det_pav topic and visualizes the detected contour with a straight line on a 2D window.
- run spinnaker/scripts/rt-online_ht_snn.py to download the snn on the SpiNNaker machine. This script is similar to the spinnaker/scripts/csv-offline_ht_snn.py. The differences exist due to the different input, since now the spikes are fed in real-time using a DVS.
- run the 4 nodes
rosrun package_name live_output
rosrun package_name tracker
rosrun package_name featurer
rosrun package_name visualizer
- Use features from /feat topic to feed your controller.
- Find topics from spinnaker user groups related to this work here