These wrappers (and the associated datatypes) are part of the Galaxy Tool Shed as nucleosome_dynamics
(and nucleosome_workflow
Nucleosome Dynamics is a suite of R programs for nucleosome-related analyses based on MNase-seq experimental data. Each of the analyses included in the toolkit correspond to a Galaxy Tool:
Galaxy Tool | Description |
readBAM | Read Aligned MSase-seq BAM into a RData structure (required for further process) |
nucleR | Determine the positions of the nucleosomes across the genome |
NFR | Short regions depleted of nucleosomes |
txstart | Classify Transciption start accordint to the properties of surrounding nucleosomes |
periodicity | Periodic properties of nucleosomes inside gene bodies |
stiffness | Aparent stiffness constant foreach nucleosome obtained by fitting the coverage to a gaussian distribution |
nucleR_stats | Nucleosome call statistics |
nucDyn | Comparison of two diferent MNase-seq experiments to nucleosome architecture local changes |
NFR_stats | Nucleosome Free Regions statistics |
txstart_stats | TSS and TTS statistics |
periodicity_stats | Statistics on Nucleosome periodicity |
stiffness_stats | Statistics on stiffness |
nucDyn_stats | Statistics on Nucleosome Dynamics analysis |
The code wrapped by Galaxy is a containerized version of 'Nucleosome Dynamics'. The image contains a fully functional 'Nucleosome Dynamics' R installation extended with an entrypoint script that enables a simple and easy way to interact with the set of R packages.
Source docker image : mmbirb/nucleosome-dynamics:latest
Visit this link to know more about Nucleosome Dynamics Docker.
Firstly, you have to Install docker. Once you have docker installed, download the latest image for Nucleosome Dynamics tools from Docker Hub.
docker pull mmbirb/nucleosome-dynamics:latest
Clone the current repository to your installation path:
git clone
cd nucleosome_dynamics_galaxy
And set where the root directory for your Galaxy installation:
Create a symbolic link or copy Nucleosome Dynamics tools into the tools directory of your local Galaxy instance $GALAXY_ROOT/tools
mkdir $GALAXY_ROOT/tools/nucleosome_dynamics
ln -s -t $GALAXY_ROOT/tools/nucleosome_dynamics $INSTALL_PATH/nucleosome_dynamics_galaxy/tools/*
Add the following lines to $GALAXY_ROOT/config/tool_conf.xml
<section name="Nucleosome Dynamics" id="nucDyn">
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/readBAM.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/nucleR.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/nucleR_stats.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/nucDyn.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/nucDyn_stats.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/NFR.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/NFR_stats.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/periodicity.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/periodicity_stats.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/txstart.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/txstart_stats.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/stiffness.xml" />
<tool file="nucleosome_dynamics/stiffness_stats.xml" />
Restart Galaxy to be sure that the tools are correctly installed by executing:
$GALAXY_ROOT/ --stop-daemon;
$GALAXY_ROOT/ --daemon;
Copy Nucleosome Dynamics logo to the static directory of your local Galaxy instance $GALAXY_ROOT/static/images
cp images/NucleosomeDynamicsLogo.png $GALAXY_ROOT/static/images
Also add as tool-data
the gene annotations and the genome size for a list of rellevant reference genomes. As an example, the repository includes the Saccharomyces cerevisiae (version R64-1-1).
Create a tab separed file named $GALAXY_ROOT/tool-data/nucldyn_publicdata.loc
to point to the actual data location:
echo -e "R64-1-1 R64-1-1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (R64-1-1)\t$INSTALL_PATH/nucleosome_dynamics_galaxy/test-data/refGenomes/R64-1-1/R64-1-1.fa.chrom.sizes\t$INSTALL_PATH/nucleosome_dynamics_galaxy/test-data/refGenomes/R64-1-1/genes.gff" > $GALAXY_ROOT/tool-data/nucldyn_publicdata.loc
If necessary, activate the Galaxy data table file:
cp $GALAXY_ROOT/config/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample $GALAXY_ROOT/config/tool_data_table_conf.xml
Add the following line into $GALAXY_ROOT/config/tool_data_table_conf.xml
<!-- Locations of chrom size and genes.gff for Nucleosome Dynamics -->
<table name="nucldyn_publicdata" comment_char="#">
<columns>value, dbkey, name, pathChromSize, pathGenes</columns>
<file path="tool-data/nucldyn_publicdata.loc" />
Restart Galaxy to be sure that the new databable is correctly integratedd by executing:
$GALAXY_ROOT/ --stop-daemon;
$GALAXY_ROOT/ --daemon;
You can import Nucleosome Dynamics workflow from the Galaxy web interface. Got to [YOUR_GALAXY_URL]/workflows/import
and import it:
- 1- from URL: set "Archived Workflow URL" as ""
- 2- from file: download
and upload it to "Archived Workflow File".
Make sure that all the tools are installed before Importing. You can run the full workflow with this import or create one using create workflow option.