Render Python inside HTML with good performance.
Based on standalone library inside very old Karigell Framework, Updated to work with Python 3.6
Although i have not written the base implementation myself (besides it not winning any style points) i believe this framework or ones like it are very important. Rather then building a template engine in Python via Classes, Parsers, Evaluators, etc. PIH uses Meta Circular Compilation whereby code intermixed with HTML gets compiled to Python byte code and then run on the Python VM natively.
Besides increasing performance the fact that we are talking about 1 Language being able to evaluate a other language intermixed and meta circular is a very interesting concept.
Doing the inverse of something Meta does not actually decrease its abstraction. It increases it. i.e
Meta ^ 1 = Evaluation
Meta ^ 2 = Virtualization
Meta ^ 3 = Inverse Virtualization
To Illustrate:
x = 1
y = True
z = {}
<% while x < 100 or y == False: %>
<p><%= x %></p>
<% x += 1 %>
<% end %>
import time
import PythonInsideHTML36 as pih
env = {}
template = pih.PIH("filepath")
code = template.pythonCode()
exec(code, env)
html = env["py_code"].getvalue()
x = env.get("x", "") #global variables are stored in env just like a normal python exec
y = env.get("y", "")
z = env.get("z", "")
<% if x: %>
output someting
<% end %>
<% else: %>
output someting else
<% end %>
<%= time.time() - t1 %>s
f you want to exit the script before the end of the document, raise a SCRIPT_END exception
raise SCRIPT_END(message)
import time
import PythonInsideHTML36 as pih
env = {
template = pih.PIH("filepath")
code = template.pythonCode()
exec(code, env)
rendered = env["py_code"].getvalue()
returns a compile()
code object, which you can store in a variable and call a different env
along a exec()
so its plenty fast.
Uncached renders at 0.003 seconds with a couple includes, cached renders pretty much instantly.
See Examples/
<h1>Hello from Python Inside HTML</h1>
Rendered in: <%= time.time() - t1 %>s