- SelectionMode : "None", "Single", "Multiple" / Enable Selection type.
- AutolocateButtonVisibility : "Visible", "Collapsed" / Show locate me button.
- CompassButtonVisibility : "Visible", "Collapsed" / Show compass button when map isn't facing north. Position map facing north on tap.
- MapStyleJson : String from JSON / Set your mapstyle here. See google map style wizard. Android Only
- IsRotateGestureEnabled : "True", "False" / Set if user can rotate map.
- PushpinIcon : Image file / Set image for the unselected Pushpin.
- SelectedPushpinIcon : Image file / Set image for the selected Pushpin.
- PushpinIconsPositionOrigin : "(double)x, (double)y" / Set the origin position for Pushpin.
- dynamicMap:MapControlBehavior.DisableRotation : "True", "False" / Disable rotation.
- dynamicMap:MapControlBehavior.IconWidth : float / Set width of unselected pushpin.
- dynamicMap:MapControlBehavior.IconHeight : float / Set height of unselected pushpin.
- dynamicMap:MapControlBehavior.SelectedIconWidth : float / Set width of selected pushpin.
- dynamicMap:MapControlBehavior.SelectedIconHeight : float / Set height of selected pushpin.
- dynamicMap:MapControlBehavior.CompassMargin : Thickness / Set margin of compass.
- dynamicMap:MapControlBehavior.PushpinImageSelector : IValueConverter / Select the right image depending of parameter.
// YourMap.xaml
<converters:FromPushpinToStringConverter x:Key="PushpinToMapPin"
// FromPushpinToStringConverter.cs
public class FromPushpinToStringConverter : ConverterBase
public string UnselectedValue { get; set; }
public string SelectedValue { get; set; }
protected override object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter)
var Pushpin = value as PushpinEntity;
#if __ANDROID__
var isSelected = parameter as bool? ?? false;
var isSelected = Pushpin.SafeEquals(parameter as PushpinEntity);
return isSelected
? SelectedValue
: UnselectedValue;
// FromMultiplePushpinTypeToStringConverter.cs
public class FromMultiplePushpinTypeToStringConverter : ConverterBase
public string UnselectedValue { get; set; }
public string Type1 { get; set; }
public string Type2 { get; set; }
public string Type3 { get; set; }
public string DefaultType { get; set; }
protected override object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter)
var LocationPushpin = value as LocationPushpin;
#if __ANDROID__
var isSelected = parameter as bool? ?? false;
var isSelected = LocationPushpin.SafeEquals(parameter as LocationPushpin);
if (!isSelected)
return UnselectedValue;
switch (LocationPushpin.typeName)
case "pushpinType1":
return Type1;
case "pushpinType2":
return Type2;
case "pushpinType3":
return Type3;
return DefaultType;