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Sphinx Bulma Theme

GitHub release (latest SemVer) Build Sass CodeQL GitHub Pages deploy

A simple responsive theme for sphinx using Bulma featuring:

  1. Built-in dark/light color themes using native CSS and JavaScript
  2. Sphinx built-in text search engine
  3. Extended Sass rulesets from Bulma
  4. Support for user-defined favicon and logo (sphinx theme config)
  5. Custom icon font made with Fontello
  6. User-defined source repository/files reference
  7. User-defined primary theme color (custom theme config)
Screenshots (big images)

YASL (C++) light palette

Yasl Light

YASL (C++) dark palette

Yasl Dark

Markout (Python) light palette

Markout Light

Markout (Python) dark palette

Markout Dark

Sphinx Bulma example light palette

Sphinx Bulma Example Light

Sphinx Bulma example dark palette

Sphinx Bulma Example Dark

Sphinx Bulma test module light palette

Sphinx Bulma Test Light

Sphinx Bulma test module dark palette

Sphinx Bulma Test Dark


Using pip to install this package (recommended using it within a venv):

pip install sphinx-bulma

...or alternatively, using pipenv:

pipenv install sphinx-bulma


The theme's project-wide options are defined in the src/sphinx-bulma/theme.conf file, and can be defined in your project's via html_theme_options. For example:

html_theme_options = {
  'navigation_depth': 2,           # maximum depth of tree
  'includehidden': True,           # if true sidebar may include toctrees marked with hidden option
  'titles_only': False,            # if true removes headers within a page from the sidebar
  'display_git': False,            # if true all git_* options must be set
  'git_host': '',        # git host url
  'git_user': 'gh-user',           # your git host username
  'git_repo': 'doc-repo',          # doc repository
  'git_blob': 'blob',              # default for github
  'git_version': 'master/docs/',   # docs folder
  'git_icon': 'github',            # icon to show on docs
  'git_desc': 'Check the sources', # link description
  'default_palette': 'dark',       # default color palette (dark or light)
  'sidebar': True,                 # if true sidebar will be rendered
  'primary': '885bfb',             # primary color hex value (do not add preceding #)
  'primary_invert': 'fff'          # primary inverted color hex value (do not add preceding #)

Using with Python packages

This example uses pipenv to setup everything easily, start by creating a Sphinx config file, here's an example:

path: myproject/docs/

import sys
import os
from datetime import datetime


extensions = [
templates_path = ['_templates']
source_suffix = '.rst'
master_doc = 'index'

project = u'myproject'
year =
copyright = u'%d Augusto Goulart' % year

exclude_patterns = ['_build']

html_theme = 'sphinx-bulma' # don't forget our theme

# this is the pipenv path to the site-packages
html_theme_path = [os.path.join(os.getenv('PIPENV_SITE_PACKAGES', '..').split('\r')[0], 'Lib', 'site-packages')]

After that, just run this in your project root dir

path: myproject

pipenv --site-packages --python 3.10
pipenv install sphinx sphinx-bulma
pipenv shell
export PIPENV_SITE_PACKAGES=$(pipenv --venv)
sphinx-build docs docs/_build

Using to document C++ with breathe

I mostly use Sphinx to document my C++ code and modules, here's an example of how I set it up, this is best suited for my own devenv (Win32/Win64) so it may not apply to your specific use case.

With that being said, make sure you have Python >= 3.10 and Doxygen >= 1.8 installed.

Setting up Sphinx

First create the sphinx config file in your docs folder (here docs):

path: myproject/docs/

import sys
import os
from datetime import datetime


project = 'myproject'
year =
copyright = u'%d Augusto Goulart' % year
author = 'Augusto Goulart'
release = '0.1.0'

# don't forget to add breathe as an extension
extensions = ['breathe']

# now configure breathe
breathe_projects = {
  'myproject': 'doxyxml',  # specify where are the Doxygen generated xml files (relative to this dir)
breathe_default_project = 'myproject'

# paths config
templates_path = ['_templates']
exclude_patterns = ['_build']

# now configure the sphinx theme and visuals
html_favicon = 'static/favicon.ico'
html_logo = 'static/logo.png'
html_theme = 'sphinx-bulma'    # don't forget this
html_theme_options = {         # add all options you want to overwrite default values here
  'display_git': True,
  'git_host': '',
  'git_user': 'oAGoulart',
  'git_repo': 'yasl',
  'git_version': 'master/docs/',
  'git_icon': 'github-circled',
  'git_desc': 'Edit on GitHub',

# this config is very important so sphinx can find the theme (you'll see why it's that path in short)
html_theme_path = ["../_env/Lib/site-packages"]

# don't forget to specify your static files dir if you use it
html_static_path = ['static']

# some other configs
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
highlight_language = 'c++'
primary_domain = 'cpp'

Setting up our Python build script

Now create another Python file on the same dir for our building script

path: myproject/docs/

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Build the documentation.

import errno, os, re, sys
from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError, Popen, PIPE, STDOUT

class Pip:
  def __init__(self):
    self.path = os.path.join('_env', 'Scripts', 'pip') # we will be using a venv to install everything

  def install(self, package, commit=None):
    "Install package using pip."
    if commit:
      package = 'git+{0}.git@{1}'.format(package, commit)
    print('Installing {0}'.format(package))
    check_call([self.path, 'install', package])

def install_packages():
  pip = Pip()
  pip.install('sphinx')         # we will need sphinx
  pip.install('breathe')        # ...and also breathe
  pip.install('sphinx-bulma')   # ...and finally our theme

def build_docs():
  doc_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
  work_dir = '.'
  include_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'include')
  # Build doxygen xml.
  cmd = ['.\doxygen.exe', '-']
  p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
  doxyxml_dir = os.path.join(doc_dir, 'doxyxml')
  # this is our Doxygen config, I just copy-pasted from one of my projects, change as you need (but keep the xml files)
  out, _ = p.communicate(input=r'''
      PROJECT_NAME      = YASL
      GENERATE_MAN      = NO
      GENERATE_RTF      = NO
      INPUT             = {0}/base.h {0}/config.h {0}/memory.h {0}/script.h \
                          {0}/status.h {0}/yasl.h {0}/memory/data.h {0}/memory/patch.h \
                          {0}/memory/peformat.h {0}/memory/protection.h {0}/memory/trampoline.h
      QUIET             = YES
      GENERATE_HTML     = NO
      GENERATE_XML      = YES
      XML_OUTPUT        = {1}
      ALIASES           = "rst=\verbatim embed:rst"
      ALIASES          += "endrst=\endverbatim"
      PREDEFINED        = _WIN32=1 \
                          __cplusplus=1 \
                          _MSVC_LANG=202002L \
    '''.format(include_dir, doxyxml_dir).encode('UTF-8'))
  out = out.decode('utf-8')
  if p.returncode != 0:
    raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cmd)
  # Build html docs.
  html_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, '_build')
  check_call([os.path.join(work_dir, '_env', 'Scripts', 'sphinx-build'),
              '-Dbreathe_projects.format=' + os.path.abspath(doxyxml_dir),
              '-b', 'html', doc_dir, html_dir])
  return html_dir

if __name__ == '__main__':

Using a batch script to call our build

This step will make your life easier, create a batch script in your project root dir

path: myproject/docs.bat


pushd %~dp0

REM Command file for building documentation

REM you can remove this if you already have doxygen
curl --output
tar -x -k -f

REM creates our python virtualenv (used by our build script)
py -m pip install --user virtualenv
py -m venv _env

py .\docs\


Now whenever you want to build your docs, just call .\docs.bat on terminal

But wait! There's one more thing that can help you, if you want to upload your docs to GitHub Pages, see the next step

Deploying to GitHub Pages

All you need is to create a new action for your GitHub repo (in .github/workflows)

path: myproject/.github/workflows/gh-pages.yml

name: Deploy docs
    branches: [ master ]


    runs-on: windows-latest

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Setup python
      uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        python-version: 3.10.0
        architecture: x64

    - name: Build
      run: |
        cd _build
        New-Item -Path '.\.nojekyll' -ItemType File
    - name: Push site
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
        name: site
        path: _build/
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
    - name: Pop site
      uses: actions/download-artifact@master
        name: site
        path: _build/
    - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
      uses: Cecilapp/GitHub-Pages-deploy@v3
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        build_dir: _build/


Feel free to leave your contribution here, I would really appreciate it! Also, if you have any doubts or troubles using this package just contact me or leave an issue.